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Social Studies Jokes

More Flag Day jokes…

  1. What’s the best rated flag?… The US, it has fifty stars!
  2. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Razor… Razor who?… Razor flag, it’s Flag Day! (Barber Jokes)
  3. What is the most popular sport on the Fourth of July?… Flag football. (Football Jokes & Flag Day Jokes)
  4. What do you get when you cross Captain America with the Incredible Hulk?… The Star-Spangled Banner. (4th of July Jokes)
  5. What march would you play at a jungle parade?… “Tarzan Stripes Forever!” (Memorial Day Jokes & Tarzan Jokes)
  6. A Great American Book Never Written: “The Parts of the National Anthem” by Homer D. Brave. (Book Jokes)
  7. Best War of 1812 Book Never Written:… “The Star- Spangled Banner” by Jose Kanusee. (Book Jokes)
  8. What did on flag say to the other flag?… Nothing. It waved!
  9. Teacher: Johnny, what are the last words of “The Star-Spangled Banner”?… Student: “Play ball”? (Baseball Jokes for Kids)
  10. Teacher: “How did the Founding Fathers decide on our country’s flag?” Student: “I guess they took a flag poll!” (American Revolution Jokes)

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