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September Jokes

  1. National Park Service @NatlParkService (1.3M followers) U.S. National Parks
  2. Labor Day: National Education Association@NEAToday (241.3K followers) Washington DC
  3. Tom Whitby @tomwhitby (82.4K followers) LI, NY Guest Blog: What Makes an Education Thought Leader?
  4. Brian Lies @BrianLiesbooks (2.4K followers) Guest Blog: The Power of Author Visits
  5. Massachusetts Teachers Association @massteacher (18.6K followers) Quincy, MA
  6. September 6th National Read a Book Day: Peter H. Reynolds @peterhreynolds (54.3K followers) Dedham, MA, USA
  7. AJ Juliani @ajjuliani (34.5K followers) Jenkintown, PA
  8. Dr. John Spencer @spencerideas (50.8K followers) Salem, OR
  9. MindShift @MindShiftKQED (441.4 followers) San Francisco
  10. Texas Instruments Education @TICalculators (18.9K followers) Dallas, TX
  11. September 11th: 911 Memorial (@Sept11Memorial): This website includes, Foundational Lesson PlansK – 23 – 56 – 89 – 12About 9/11 Lesson PlansTeaching GuidesTalking to Children about 9/11View Webcasts9/11 Primary Sources.
  12. Michigan Schools @SchoolsMichigan (6.8K followers) Michigan
  13. Pernille Ripp @pernilleripp (84.3K followers) Naestved, Denmark
  14. edtech digest @edtechdigest (42K followers)
  15. September 15th International Dot Day @DotClubConnect (12.4K followers) Celebrate International Dot Day with Peter H. Reynolds!
  16. Dr. Lydia Williams @drwilliams08 (.7K followers)
  17. September 17th Constitution Day iCivics @icivics (19K.4 followers) Cambridge, MA (ICivics Lessons)
  18. September 19th Talk Like a Pirate Day: Dave Burgess @burgessdave (175.2K followers) San Diego, CA Teach Like a Pirate is a Great Book for Teachers

October Jokes

  1. National Chemistry Week: Chemistry World @ChemistryWorld (460K followers) Cambridge 
  2. Top Chemistry X Accounts: Nature Chemistry @NatureChemistry (275K followers) London
  3. Top Chemistry X Accounts: Nat Geo Science @NatGeoScience (124K followers) Washington, DC. 
  4. Top Chemistry X Accounts: American Chemical Society @AmerChemSociety (185K followers) Washington, DC & Columbus, OH
  5. Top Chemistry X Accounts: Chemistry News @ChemistryNews (365K followers) Earth
  6. October 23rd Mole Day @nationalmoleday (1.1K followers)
  7. October 26th National Pumpkin Day: NASA Pumpkin STEM @NASASTEM (395K followers)

November Jokes

December Jokes

January Jokes

  1. PragmaticMom @pragmaticmom (71K followers) Boston, MA #ReadYourWorld

July Jokes for Teachers

  1. Edutopia @edutopia (1.2M followers) San Rafael, California, USA
  2. Julia G.Thompson @TeacherAdvice (6K followers) Guest Blog: 75 Quick Tips for Motivating Students (2013)
  3. WeAreTeachers @WeAreTeachers (643K followers) Austin, TX
  4. ASCD @ASCD (280K followers) Alexandria, VA (D.C. area)
  5. Todd Whitaker @toddwhitaker (153K followers) 
  6. Jamy Bechler @CoachBechler (84K followers) Cleveland/Akron Area
  7. Shark Week @SharkWeek (300K followers) United States
  8. Discovery @Discovery (9.1M followers) United States
  9. Shannon McClintock Miller @shannonmmiller (66K followers) Iowa and Colorado Educator of the Week
  10. Khan Academy for Teachers @TeachWithKhan (10K followers)
  11. Christopher Albrecht @Albrecht_NYSTOY Brockport, NY (6.4K followers)
  12. Angela Maiers – Keynote | Author | Change Maker @AngelaMaiers (131K followers) Denver, CO Post: Angela Maiers: Educator of the Week
  13. Michael Smith Supt @principalspage (30K followers) Illinois Post: Michael Smith: Educator of the Week
  14. Drew Minock @TechMinock (16K followers) Michigan
  15. Merve Oflaz @oflazmerve (2K followers) İstanbul Guest Blog: 37 Classroom Tips From a Teacher Turning 37 (2013)
  16. Deborah Roberts @DebRobertsABC (63K followers) Author of Lessons Learned and Cherished The Teacher Who Changed My Life.
  17. Cradles to Crayons Massachusetts @c2cboston (8K followers)
  18. For Teachers Only @ForTeachersOnly (38.2K followers) Shelbyville, TN
  19. Patrick Larkin @patrickmlarkin (43.6K followers) Burlington, MA
  20. Mark E. Weston Ph.D. @ShiftParadigm (43K followers) Estes Park, CO USA
  21. Jeffrey Bradbury @TeacherCast (25.1K followers) Philadelphia
  22. Chris Quinn @ChrisQuinn64 (25.5K followers) Ontario, Canada
  23. Christopher Weiss @ChrisWeissCT (24.3K followers) Connecticut, USA
  24. Steve Kelley Believe 2022 #Bettertogether @stephenkelley85 (12.9K followers) Dewitt, IA
  25. Mary Beth Hertz @mbteach (26.3K followers) Philadelphia, PA
  26. @Makerspaces_com (68K followers) Worldwide
  27. Crista Anderson @cristama (10.6K followers) Missoula, Montana
  28. Randi Weingarten @rweingarten (124.8K followers) Washington, DC
  29. Genein Letford @GeneinLetford (2.1K followers) AZ Guest Blog: Teachers: Top 10 Tips for Successful Grant Writing (2013)
  30. Dede Rittman @dederittman (22.4K followers) Pittsburgh, PA Guest Blog: Student Teacher Advice: Develop Confidence
  31. LEGO Education @LEGO_Education (101.9K followers)

August Jokes for Teachers

  1. Walmart @Walmart (1.3M followers)
  2. Target @Target (2M followers)
  3. NCTM @NCTM (83.7K followers) Reston, Virginia AMAZING resource for math teachers of ALL levels.
  4. Jerry Blumengarten @cybraryman1 (73.5K followers) Sarasota, FL Guest Blog: Teachers, Follow that Hashtag!
  5. NYT Learning Network @NYTimesLearning (32.5K followers) New York, NY
  6. Mark Brumley @markbrumley (22.4K followers) Texas
  7. Sabrina Joy Stevens @realsabijoy (11.5K followers) Washington, DC
  8. The College Board @CollegeBoard (205.8K followers) New York, NY
  9. Dr. Steven Whitaker @DrSWhitaker (4.3K followers) Fort Lauderdale, FL
  10. Adam Lane @leadinglane (1.5K followers) Tampa, Florida
  11. National Assoc. of Secondary School Principals @NASSP (48.4K followers) Reston, VA
  12. Tim Walz @Tim_Walz (1M followers) Minnesota, USA
  13. National Student Council @NatStuCo (3.8K followers) Reston, VA
  14. becky pringle @BeckyPringle (15.9K followers)
  15. @ShellTerrell (80.5K followers) San Antonio, TX
  16. Paula Naugle @plnaugle (16.8K followers) New Orleans, LA Guest Blog: Teachers, Should You Be Using Exit Slips in Your Classroom?
  17. Shawn McCusker @ShawnMcCusker (10.7K followers) Illinois
  18. PJ Caposey @MCUSDSupe (12.6K followers) Stillman Valley, IL Guest Blog: 4 Transition Tips for Educators Starting a New Job
  19. Ed Gerety @EdGerety (7.7K followers)
  20. Larry Ferlazzo @Larryferlazzo (76.3K followers) Sacramento, CA
  21. AFT @AFTunion (80.7K followers) Washington, DC
  22. BostonTeachersUnion @BTU66 (6.6K followers) Boston, MA
  23. CoachDBurns @CoachDBurns2 (.4K followers)
  24. Annick Rauch @AnnickRauch (7K followers) Winnipeg, Canada
  25. Todd Bloch: @blocht574 (7.1K followers) Clinton Township MI Sweat to InspireEducation Guest BlogMiddle School Teachers: Join Twitter and #MSchat
  26. PBS NewsHour Classroom @NewsHourExtra (15K followers) Arlington, VA
  27. Cradles to Crayons Massachusetts @c2cboston (8K followers) Newton, MA
  28. Cradles to Crayons Chicago @C2CChicago (1.9K followers) Chicago, IL
  29. Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia @C2CPhiladelphia (4.6K followers) East Falls, Philadelphia
  30. August 31st International Overdose Awareness Day: @OverdoseDay (6.8K followers)