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Top Joke Pages: 

Summer Jokes for Kids & Summer Camp Jokes for Kids

More Canoe Jokes…

  1. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe light some more fireworks? (4th of July Knock Knock Jokes Fireworks Jokes)
  2. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe join us for the 4th of July picnic? (Canoe Jokes 4th of July Knock Knock Jokes)
  3. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe march in the Independence Day parade? (Canoe Jokes 4th of July Knock Knock Jokes)
  4. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe sing the National Anthem on Independence Day? (Music Jokes)
  5. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… Omelette… Omelette who?… Omelette Daddy light the fireworks. (4th of July Knock Knock Jokes & Fireworks Jokes)
  6. Why was the canoe considered a heartthrob?… He was so row-mantic. (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  7. Where does a canoe go when it’s sick?… To the DOCK! (Summer Camp Jokes for Kids & Doctor Jokes for Kids)
  8. A book never written: “How to Get Wet” by Tip D. Canoe. (Canoe Jokes)
  9. What would you get if you crossed a canoer and the Invisible Man?… Canoeing like no one has ever seen.
  10. Why was Cinderella such a bad canoer?… Her coach was a pumpkin.