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Top Joke Pages:
- A little boy asks his father where he can go to the toilet. The father replies, “That’s the beauty of camping in the woods — you can go to the toilet wherever you want.” After 5 minutes, the boy returns to the camp, where his father asked where he went to the toilet. “In your tent,” the boy replied.
- After a night of camping the Lone Ranger woke to see his tent blown away by a tornado. He declared, “Tonto, we’re not in canvas anymore.” (Kansas Jokes & Camping Jokes & Wizard of Oz Jokes)
- Did you hear about the camping trip?… It was in – tents (intense)! (Camping Jokes)
- I went to buy a camouflage tent the other day for summer camp… I couldn’t find any. (Summer Camp Jokes)
- A dog goes into a camping store and buys a tent. The cashier says, “You don’t see a dog in here buying a tent very often.” The dog says, “At these prices, I’m not surprised.” (Dog jokes for Kids)
- If you ever get cold while camping, just stand in the corner of a tent for a while… They’re normally around 90 degrees. (Math Jokes for Kids)
- Why did the summer camp counselor quit his job?… Because it was always in tents. (Summer Camp Jokes)
- Why did the summer camp director quit his job?… Because it was always in tents. (Summer Camp Jokes)
- “You can’t run through a campsite. You can only ran…because it’s past tents.” (Grammar Jokes)
- Knock, knock!… Who’s there?.. Scold… Scold who?… Scold outside the tent let me in!
- Why was the summer camp so tiring?… It was in-tents (intense). (Napping Jokes & Tent Jokes)
- If you ever get cold while hiking, just stand in the corner of a tent for a while… They’re normally around 90 degrees. (Math Jokes for Kids & Tent Jokes)
- Why are circus clowns often stressed?… Because their job is in tents.
- I got camping insurance but apparently if someone steals my tent in the middle of the night I’m no longer covered.
- If you’ve got four tents, eight sleeping bags, and six camping chairs in your wheelbarrow, what have you got?… A big wheelbarrow.
- What did the campers say after the fireworks went haywire?… That was intense. (Fireworks Jokes)
- Why did the camp warden quit his job?… Because it was always in tents.
- What do you say to a tent with a split personality?… You’re two tents?
- Can a frog jump higher than the average tent?… Of course, tents can’t jump. (Frog Jokes)