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More Wizard of Oz Jokes…

  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Wizard of Oz Jokes!  (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  2. Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz is by far the greatest character of all time… No one could hold a candle to him. (Movie Jokes)
  3. After a night of camping the Lone Ranger woke to see his tent blown away by a tornado. He declared, “Tonto, we’re not in canvas anymore.” (Kansas Jokes & Camping Jokes & Tent Jokes)
  4. What are the moles’ favorite line from the Wizard of Oz?… “I’m mole-ting, i’m mole-ting.” (Mole Day Jokes)
  5. Why did Dorothy scream?… Because the Tin Man stepped on her toto.
  6. Was Dorothy a good actress?… Yes, she brought the house down.
  7. Did Judy Garland do a good job as an actress in the Wizard of Oz?… Yes, she brought the house down.
  8. What’s the difference between Christopher Columbus and the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz?… One left his Spain behind and the other left his brain behind. (Columbus Day Jokes & Wizard of Oz Jokes)
  9. What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?… Straw-berries.
  10. Where does Dorothy from OZ weigh a pie?… Somewhere over the rainbow, weigh-a-pie! (Pie Jokes)
  11. My job is selling houses in places like Narnia, Middle-Earth, Neverland, Oz and Wonderland… I’m a Not Real Estate Agent.
  12. Did Judy Garland ever figure out how much a pie weighs? …Apparently, somewhere over the rainbow you can weigh a pie. (Rainbow Jokes & Wizard of Oz Jokes)
  13. Where do you go to weigh a pie?… Somewhere, over the rainbow. (Rainbow Jokes & Wizard of Oz Jokes)
  14. Why did Dorothy get lost in Oz?… She had three men giving her directions.
  15. Instead of Traveling to Oz, the Tin Man, the Lion, and The Scarecrow should run for Congress… As they lack a heart, mind, and courage.
  16. “WHAT BRINGS YOU BEFORE THE GREAT WIZARD OF OZ?” Jimmy Carter stepped forward timidly:” I’ve come for some courage.” “NO PROBLEM!” says the Wizard. “WHO IS NEXT?” Ronald Reagan steps forward, “Well………, I…….I think I need a brain.” “DONE” says the Wizard. “WHO COMES NEXT BEFORE THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ?” Up stepped George Bush sadly, “I’m told by the American people that I need a heart.” “I’VE HEARD IT’S TRUE!” says the Wizard. “CONSIDER IT DONE.” There is a great silence in the hall. Bill Clinton is just standing there, looking around, but doesn’t say a word. Irritated, the Wizard finally asks, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” “Is Dorothy here?”
  17.  Where did Dorothy slip and fall down?… On the Yellow Slick Road.
  18. Who made the yellow slick road slippery?… The Wizard of Ooze.
  19. What did Dorothy sing after she slipped?… “Somewhere over the sprained toe!”
  20. Who made Dorothy fall asleep in the poppy field?… The Wicked Witch of the Rest.
  21. What did the Munchkins become when a house landed on them?… Crunchkins.
  22. Why did the Munchkins burn down Dorthy’s house?… Because they wanted to give her a housewarming.
  23. What has wings but can’t fly, sticks its head in the sand, and takes Munchkins for rides?… Oztriches.
  24. How did the Munchkins communicate?… In Yellow Brick Code.
  25. How did the tornado damage Dorothy’s home?… It blew it up.
  26. What part of Kansas did Toto come from?… To-topeka.
  27. Where did Dorothy travel when she wanted to make friends?… Down the Hello Brick Road.
  28. Who was called after Dorothy smashed the Wicked Witch of the East?… A witch doctor.
  29. Did the tornado excite Dorothy?… Yeah, she got carried away.
  30. What did the Munchkins eat for dessert?… The Jello Brick Road.
  31. Who lives in the Emerald City part of the time and in space the rest of the time?… Oztronauts.
  32. What did Dorothy wear when she was tired?…. Ruby Sleepers.
  33. Where did the Oztronauts land their rockets?…. On Ozteroids.
  34. What kid in the Emerald City got the best grades in school?… The Wizard of A’s.
  35. What relative did Dorothy meet at the Emerald City?… Auntie Gem.
  36. Who in Oz makes friends with lions but kills bulls?… Matadorothy.
  37. Who follows Matadorothy around?… A To-toreador.
  38. What do you have when you have 16 copies of the Wizard of Oz?… The Wizard of Lb.
  39. What is the To-toreador?… He’s a bulldog.
  40. What cleaned all the garbage out of Kansas?… A janitor-nado.
  41. Who kept throwing garbage at Dorothy and her friends?… The Wicked Witch of the Waste.
  42. How do old people get around in Oz?… They use Munch-canes.
  43. What did the Munchkins sing after the Wicked Witch of the East stole their food and ate it?… “Ding, Dong, the Witch is fed…”
  44. What kind of trees grow in the Emerald City?… Evergreens.
  45. How did the Lollipop Guild travel in Munchkinland?… Down the Yellow Lick Road.
  46. Which of Dorothy’s friends had spent a lot of time out in the sun?… The Tan Woodsman of Oz.
  47. Which of Dorothy’s friends had to have his mouth washed out with soap?… The Swearcrow of Oz.
  48. What place in Oz has the most plants?… The Emerald City. It’s full of greenhouses.
  49. What grows best in the greenhouses?… Green vegetables.
  50. What’s the Tinman’s head filled with?… Gela-tin.