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- 180 School Jokes
- Middle School Jokes
- Jokes for Special Day of the Year
- (Geometry Jokes) Geometry Jokes for Teachers
Google Search “Top 10 Geometry Jokes”
- Why do algebra teachers feel superior to geometry teachers?… Because they think that geometry teachers are too symbol-minded! (Algebra Jokes)
- Having an argument with pi just goes around in circles. (101 Pi Day Jokes)
- Why did I divide sin by tan?… Just cos.
- Where do circles, ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas like to hang out in the summer?… Coney Island. (Top Summer Jokes)
- What is a mathematician’s favorite type of tree?… A Geometree. (because they have square roots!) (Tree Jokes)
- Why was the student late for school? …. It was because she took the rhombus! (Bus Jokes)
- Which shapes are an ice-cream’s favorite?… A cone and a sphere! (Ice Cream Jokes)
- What shape is usually waiting for you at Stabucks?… A line.
- Why wasn’t the geometry teacher at school?… Because she sprained her angle!!
- Why did the 30-60-90 triangle marry the 45-45-90 triangle?… They were right for each other. (Top 10 Valentine’s Day Jokes)