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Google Search “Hot Chocolate Jokes”

  1. Should you use water or milk for hot chocolate?… Some say the choice is clear, but I strongly disagree.
  2. Why did the hot chocolate file a police report?… It got mugged!
  3. The police handed him a nice, steaming cup of hot cocoa while they were taking his picture… It was a mug shot.
  4. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Philip… Philip who?… Philip my cup of hot chocolate, I’m cold!
  5. Knock, knock… Candy!… Candy waiter make me a cup of hot chocolate?
  6. I love hot chocolate, but it always leaves me stirred!
  7. What kind of Valentine’s Day drink is never on time?… Hot ChocoLATE.
  8. How do you know it’s hot outside?… When you milk a brown cow you get hot chocolate.
  9. What do you call hot chocolate that is on the basketball team?… A slam dunk-a-chino!
  10. How does hot chocolate apologize?… By saying, “I’m so sorry, I was just steamed!”
  11. Why did the hot chocolate decide to become an artist?… It wanted to express itself through coffee art!
  12. What did the hot chocolate say to the coffee?… “You’re just my cup of tea!”
  13. What do you call a snowman drinking hot chocolate?… A puddle!
  14. What do you call a frozen hot chocolate?… A cold case!
  15. How does hot chocolate greet its friends?… With a cocoa hug!
  16. I brought a jar of hot chocolate to the party… I wanted to stir things up!
  17. Why did the hot chocolate break up with the coffee?… It couldn’t espresso its feelings!
  18. What’s a hot chocolate’s favorite type of math?… Cocoa-lculus!
  19. Why did the hot chocolate go to therapy?… It had too many “mug” issues!
  20. Why did the computer drink hot chocolate?… Because it wanted to stay “byte”-warm!
  21. What do you call a hot chocolate with an attitude?… A “mug”-nificent brew!
  22. Why was the hot chocolate always confident?… Because it knew it was “mug-nificent”!
  23. What do you call a hot chocolate that’s always in a hurry?… “Quick-oa”!
  24. Why did the hot chocolate bring a spoon to the party?… In case it needed to “stir” up some fun!
  25. How do snowmen drink hot chocolate?… They melt it in their mouths!
  26. Why did the hot chocolate need therapy?… It had an identity crisis – was it a drink or a dessert?
  27. Why did the hot chocolate go to therapy?… It had too many marshmallow issues!
  28. What did the hot chocolate say to the whipped cream?… “You’re looking quite cocoa-licious today
  29. What do you call a Valentine’s Day gift that didn’t arrive time?… Choco-late.
  30. What do you call a marathon runner who loves hot chocolate?… A cocoa-nut!
  31. Why did the scarecrow bring hot chocolate to the field?… To stay warm and toasty!
  32. Why did the hot chocolate go to school?… It wanted to get a degree in chocolatology!
  33. Why did the pancake miss breakfast?… It was choco-LATE!
  34. What is a hot chocolate’s favorite dance move?… The cocoa shuffle!
  35. What do you call a hot chocolate that you can’t trust?… A cocoa-conspirator!
  36. What do you call a hot chocolate that you can trust?… A cocoa-conspirator!
  37. What did the chocolate covered pretzel say to the regular pretzel?… Don’t be salt
  38. How many grams of protein are there in that slice of chocolate pie?… 3.14159265. (Pi Day Jokes & Chocolate Jokes)
  39. What do you call the chocolate bars the Grinch stole?… Hot chocolate. (Grinch Jokes)
  40. What did the M&M go to college?… Because he wanted to be a Smarty. (College Jokes & Candy Jokes)
  41. What do chocolate, men, and coffee have in common?… They are all better rich! (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  42. What does Avogadro put in his hot chocolate?… Marsh-mole-ows! (Mole Day Jokes)
  43. What do you call a lamb covered in chocolate?…. A Candy Baa
  44. Why did the Oreo go to the dentist?… Because it lost its filling!
  45. How many grams of protein are there in that slice of chocolate pie?… 3.14159265. (101 Pi Day Jokes)
  46. What kind of candy is never on time?… ChocoLATE
  47. What is Avogadro’s favorite chocolate bar?… moletd chocolate. (Mole Day Jokes & Candy Jokes)
  48. What is an astronauts favorite chocolate?… A Mars bar! (Top Astronomy Jokes)
  49. What kind of candy bar does an employee crave before the weekend?… A Payday
  50. What do cannibals eat for dessert?… Chocolate covered aunts.
  51. What is a monkey’s favorite cookie?… Chocolate chimp!
  52. What candy is only for girls?… HER-SHEy’s Kisses! (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  53. How do you know it’s cold outside?… When you milk a brown cow you get chocolate ice cream!
  54. What kind of brownie is never on time?… ChocoLATE. (Brownie Jokes)
  55. How does the recipe for German chocolate cake begin?… First, invade ze kitchen.
  56. If Jake has 30 chocolate bars, and eats 25, what does he have? Diabetes….. Jake has diabetes…
  57. Did you hear about the love affair between Mr. Goodbar and Peppermint Patty… They had a baby, Ruth.
  58. What is the chemical formula for the molecules in candy?… Carbon-Holmium-Cobalt-Lanthanum-Tellurium or CHoCoLaTe (Top Science Jokes & 101 Mole Day Jokes)
  59. What do you get when you dip a kitten in chocolate?… A Kitty Kat bar!
  60. What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair?… Chocolate Chip Wookiee. (Top Star Wars Jokes)
  61. What is a French cat’s favorite dessert?… Chocolate mousse!
  62. What do you call an ant dipped in chocolate?… Decad-ant
  63. What do you get when you cross Ice, chocolate, a big strawberry, a giant pineapple, and cold milk?… The worlds best Sundae!
  64. What do you call people who like to drink hot chocolate all year long?… Cocoa-Nuts.
  65. There are two types of people in this world: People who love chocolate and liars.
  66. What’s the best part of Valentines Day? The day after when all the chocolate goes on sale. (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  67. Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Candy!… Candy who?… Candy cow jump over the moon?
  68. Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Candy!… Candy who?… Candy boy have another piece of chocolate?