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- Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best movie jokes. (Movie Knock Knock Jokes)
- R2-D2 was the most vulgar movie character of all time… They bleeped out every word he said! (Star Wars Jokes)
- How many stars did the movie critic give to Life of Pi?… 3.14159 stars. (Pi Jokes)
- What’s Forest Gump’s favorite kind of pasta?… Penne. (Pasta Jokes)
- What do you call the Robin Williams movie about a hot California heat wave?… Mrs. Droughtfire. (California Jokes & Movie Jokes)
- Did you know Steven Spielberg and John Williams like to play basketball together? … He shoots, he scores. (Music Jokes & World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
- When does Oliver Stone eat ice cream? … Any Given Sundae. (Football Jokes & Movie Jokes)
- Where do actors go on field trips to?… The Hollywoods! (California Jokes)
- Summer PSA: Just remember, you’ll never need a bigger boat if you don’t go to the ocean. (Shark Jokes)
- What’s wrong with staying up late to watch Lord of the Rings movies?… It’s a bad hobbit. (101 Lord of the Rings Jokes)