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Google Search “Top 10 Indiana Jokes”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best jokes about Indiana.
  2. What’s the best part about living in Indiana?… All the corny jokes.
  3. What do you call a guy from Indiana who just became a father?… A Hoosier Daddy. (Dad Jokes)
  4. What famous Southern Rock anthem is the same as the Indiana State offense during 1979 Final four season… Free Bird. (Massachusetts Jokes)
  5. Most people think Indiana Jones’ favorite state is Indiana. However they are wrong … It is ARK ansas. (Movie Jokes & Indiana Jokes)
  6. If Harrison Ford’s son were in the Navy, what would be his favorite city?… Indy-Annapolis. (Movie Jokes & Indiana Jones Jokes)
  7. Why aren’t there any hobos from Indiana?… Because beggars can’t be Hoosiers.
  8. March Madness 2023: How did the #1 Purdue fans react to the loss to #16 Fairleigh Dickinson? … They were boiling mad. (New Jersey Jokes & Indiana Jokes)
  9. What is Indiana Jones’ favorite state?… Indiana. (Movie Jokes & Indiana Jokes)
  10. What does COLTS stand for?… Count. On. Losing. The. Superbowl. (NFL Jokes)