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- Teaching the Last Lecture in High School
- How to Teach the Last Lecture Book to High School Students
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- 25 Activities for the Last Lecture
- Last Lecture Activities
The Last Lecture is a great book. It also is an incredible speech (Click for Viewing Guide) (The speech also can be watched.) It teaches so many life lessons. I have been using this book for the last few years in a senior elective course. My students read independently in class for 20 – 30 minutes. I find this method to be most effective for my classes, you may choose to use the book as an outside reading.
For the silent sustained reading, the students fill out a journal entry at the end of the reading session.
Click on the link for a more detailed look into each chapter.
Last Lecture: Dedication: Analyze the dedication and discuss the importance of dreams.
Introduction (IX – X)
I. The Last Lecture
- The Injured Lion Roars (pages 3 – 10) (Lion Jokes)
2. My Life in a Laptop (pages 11 – 14) (Computer Jokes)
3. The Elephant in the Room (pages 15 – 18) (Elephant Jokes)
II. Really Achieving your Childhood Dreams
4. The Parent Lottery (pages 21 – 26)
5. The Elevator In the Ranch House (pages 27 – 30)
6. Going to Zero G (pages 31 – 34)
7. I Never Made it to the NFL (pages 35 – 39)
8. You’ll Find Me Under “V” (pages 40 – 42)
9. A Skill Set Called Leadership (pages 43 – 46)
10. Winning Big (pages 47 – 50)
11. The Happiest Place on Earth (pages 51 – 54)
III. Adventures… and Lessons Learned