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Chapter 3 The Last Lecture: The Elephant in the Room (Chapter Summary)
Quotes, Class Discussion, & Writing Prompts: The following quotes caught my eye and could be the starting point for lessons, class discussions, or writing prompts.
I wasn’t in a suit. I wore no tie. I wasn’t going to get up there in some professional tweed jacket with leather elbow patches. Instead, I had chosen to give my lecture wearing the most appropriate childhood-dream garb I could find in my closet.” (page 16)
The logo on my short-sleeved polo shirt was an emblem of honor because it’s only worn by Walt Disney Imagineers – the artists, writers, an engineer’s who create theme- park. fantasies. 1995, I spent a six-month sabbatical as an Imagineer. It was the highlight of my life, the fulfillment of a childhood dream. That’s why I was wearing the oval ”Randy” name badge given to me when I worked at Disney. I was paying tribute to that life experience, and to Walt Disney, who famously said “ If you can dream, you can do it.” (page 16)
I said “ in case there’s anybody who wandered in and doesn’t know the Baxter, my dad always taught me that when there’s an elephant in the room, introduce it. If you look at my CT scans, there are approximately 10 tumors in my liver, and the doctors told me I have three to six months of good health left. That was a month ago so you can do the math.” (page 16)
“That is it. We can’t change it. We just have to decide how we’ll respond. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” (page 17) Explain a “tough hand” in life you have been dealt and how you “played the hand.”
“I am not in denial.” (page 17)
“We knew that once I was gone, Jai and the kids would need to live in a place where her extended family could help them and love them.” (page 17)
“I dropped to the floor and began doing push-ups… It wasn’t some dying man. It was just me. I could begin.” (page 18.
Assignment Ideas
- “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” (page 17) Explain a “tough hand” in life you have been dealt and how you “played the hand.”
- Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams – Select a CURRENT dream of yours. Something you are very passionate and enthusiastic about. Write about what it is. Why it is important? How will you progress toward that dream?