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Google Search “Tent Jokes”

  1. Did you hear about the camping trip?… It was in – tents (intense)! (Camping Jokes)
  2. I went to buy a camouflage tent the other day for summer camp… I couldn’t find any. (Summer Camp Jokes)
  3. A dog goes into a camping store and buys a tent. The cashier says, “You don’t see a dog in here buying a tent very often.” The dog says, “At these prices, I’m not surprised.” (Dog jokes for Kids)
  4. If you ever get cold while camping, just stand in the corner of a tent for a while… They’re normally around 90 degrees. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  5. “You can’t run through a campsite. You can only ran…because it’s past tents.” (Grammar Jokes)
  6. Knock, knock!… Who’s there?.. Scold… Scold who?… Scold outside the tent let me in!
  7. Why was the summer camp so tiring?… It was in-tents (intense). (Napping Jokes & Tent Jokes)
  8. If you ever get cold while hiking, just stand in the corner of a tent for a while… They’re normally around 90 degrees. (Math Jokes for Kids & Tent Jokes)
  9. Why are circus clowns often stressed?… Because their job is in tents.
  10. I got camping insurance but apparently if someone steals my tent in the middle of the night I’m no longer covered.