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In the rapidly evolving digital era, AI essay writing tools have become indispensable for students, researchers, and writers. These innovative platforms are designed to streamline the essay writing process, offering a wide range of services from generating ideas to checking for plagiarism. With several options available, it can be challenging to choose the best one for your needs. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the 10 best AI essay writing tools, with EssayGPT leading the charge. Discover how these tools can elevate your writing to new heights and help you achieve academic excellence.

1. EssayGPT: Your Ultimate Essay Writing Copilot

Revolutionize Your Writing Process

EssayGPT stands out as the ultimate essay writing assistant, designed to revolutionize your writing process. Imagine having a copilot that not only helps you write but also ensures that your essays are well-researched, richly cited, and free from plagiarism. EssayGPT is that copilot, offering an all-in-one platform for your academic writing needs.

Key Features That Set It Apart

  • Generate & Refine Essays: Effortlessly create drafts on a myriad of topics. With simple commands, turn your ideas into comprehensive essays.
  • Comprehensive Research: Unlike its peers, EssayGPT offers direct access to an extensive database of scholarly resources.
  • Seamless In-text Citations: Cite sources using popular styles like APA and MLA with unparalleled ease.
  • AI Auto Complete: Stuck mid-sentence? The AI’s intelligent suggestions got you covered.
  • Plagiarism Detection: Guarantee the originality of your work with an advanced plagiarism checker.
  • Grammar Check: Bid farewell to pesky grammatical errors, ensuring your essay is polished and professional.
  • Advanced AI Chatbot: From generating full-length drafts to summarizing content, the ScholarChat feature is an academic goldmine.

EssayGPT not only excels in functionality but also in ease of use, making it the top recommendation for anyone looking to enhance their essay writing. In fact, the EssayGPT team has also created a GPT that you can try with a ChatGPT Plus account.

2. WriteSonic

A close contender, WriteSonic aims to cater to writers looking for quick drafts and basic editing tools. While it offers a variety of templates and a user-friendly interface, it falls short when compared to the comprehensive research and citation features provided by EssayGPT.

3. Jasper

Jasper, known for its copywriting and content creation capabilities, also provides tools for academic writing. Its main strength lies in generating creative content swiftly. However, it doesn’t quite match up to EssayGPT’s academic-focused features like in-depth research assistance and advanced citation tools.

4. Grammarly

While primarily a grammar checker, Grammarly has expanded its features to include more writing assistance tools. It offers suggestions for clarity, engagement, and delivery style adjustments. Although invaluable for polishing an essay, Grammarly lacks the initial drafting and research support that EssayGPT provides.

5. QuillBot

QuillBot is favored for its paraphrasing tool, which helps users reword and refine their essays. It also features a grammar checker and a summarizer. Despite these useful tools, QuillBot does not offer the extensive essay drafting and research database that makes EssayGPT stand out.

6. Copysmith

Designed with marketers in mind, Copysmith also lends its services to academic writing. It offers features for idea generation and content editing. However, this platform is more suited for creative writing and content creation than for academic essays, lacking specialized features like scholarly research and citations.

7. Rytr

Rytr, another AI writing assistant, supports a variety of content types, including essays. It’s praised for its user-friendly interface and affordability. While it can assist in generating content quickly, Rytr doesn’t provide the research tools or plagiarism checker available on EssayGPT.

8. AI Writer

AI Writer is known for its strong focus on creating SEO-optimized content. It does offer an automatic text generation feature that can be used for drafting essays. However, its primary focus on web content means it lacks the specialized academic resources and citation tools that EssayGPT boasts.

9. Article Forge

Article Forge is another tool designed with SEO in mind, capable of generating articles on a wide range of subjects. While useful for generating initial drafts, it doesn’t offer the refinement, research, and citation capabilities necessary for academic essays, unlike EssayGPT.

10. ProWritingAid

Rounding out the list is ProWritingAid, a comprehensive writing assistant that offers advanced editing advice on style, readability, and grammar. It’s a powerful tool for refining essays but lacks the initial drafting and research functionality found in EssayGPT.


Navigating the world of AI essay writing tools can be daunting. Yet, when we examine the features, user experience, and specialized capabilities offered by these platforms, EssayGPT emerges as the clear leader. With its unparalleled research database, advanced citation features, and comprehensive writing assistance, EssayGPT is your best bet for achieving academic excellence. Whether you’re drafting a narrative essay, conducting scientific discourse, or engaging in sociological debates, EssayGPT has you covered every step of the way. Embrace this revolutionary tool and witness a transformation in your essay writing process that leads you to success.