1. Three girls were being executed. The first girl was getting ready to be shot. The guard yelled, “Ready aim-” The girl yelled, “Earthquake! Earthquake!!” The guard turned around she escaped. The second girl was being executed the guard yelled,”Ready aim-” She yelled, “Hurricane!! Hurricane!!” The guard turned around she was gone. The 3rd girl was being executed the guard yelled, “Ready aim-” The girl yelled, “Fire!! Fire!
  2. How did the Hawaiian hipster die?… He walked on lava before it was cool. (Hawaii Jokes)
  3. What is a volcano always trying to get rid of?… It’s lava handles. (Geology Jokes & Hawaii Jokes)
  4. How many Hawaiians does it take to change a lightbulb?… None. Lava lamps don’t burn out man!
  5. Did you hear the rumor about Kilauea and Mauna Loa?… All they do is make lava. (Geology Jokes & Hawaii Jokes)
  6. What do you get when you cross a volcano and a light bulb?…A lava lamp!
  7. What did the mama volcano say to the baby volcano?.. Do you lava me like I lava you? (Mother’s Day Jokes)
  8. Does an excellent student of vulcanology graduate magma cum laude?
  9. Did you hear about the Hawaiian geologist who died?… Apparently, she fell head over heels in lava. (Geology Jokes & Volcano Jokes)
  10. What did one volcano say to the other?… I lava you.