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Productive and affirmative learning environments are the fundamentals of student’s academic success in school. However, achieving such learning environments does not happen instantly; it needs to be created instead. Multiple elements contribute to creating a healthy classroom environment.

The ideal time to start creating an optimal learning environment is during the initial weeks and months of the academic school year. However, it is never too late to get started. In this article, we will evaluate some interesting teaching strategies as well as various basic tips that educators can use to create a productive learning environment for their students.

With the help of these strategies, you can enhance students’ learning attitudes that further boost their academic performance. Also, it will encourage their social wellbeing both inside and outside the classroom.

Encourage the Use of Various Study Methods

An educator, with the help of parent’s, should give clear academic and behavioral expectations from the very beginning of the school year. Teachers should encourage students to study through the use of gamification, outdoor activities, and study groups. Teachers can gain inspiration from  online textbook materials meant for teachers and creating lesson plans.

Some other key points to remember:

  • While entering into the classroom, make sure to become engaged with your teaching activity.  
  • Keep yourself up with the latest study materials.
  • Compensate your missing lectures by rolling the lesson over into the next one.
  • Indulge students in innovative activities and let them find their uniqueness.

Have an interesting conversation with them

Every student comes from different backgrounds, cultures, mindsets, interests, and each one has a unique personality, hobbies and learning styles. The more you get to know them, the better you reach and teach them!

Here are some ways to understand them better:

  • Make a friendly conversation with them and let them feel more comfortable.
  • Engage them in extracurricular activities.
  • Not every one of them is the same, so pay extra attention towards quiet students.
  • Understand their area of interest and learning style.
  • Do not forget to take regular meetings with the parents.
  • Instead of letting them play alone, make them play in groups.

Encourage positive behavior

Let’s understand with an example,” if you have had a bad day and you enter into a classroom with negative energy, you will get picked up instantly.” So, the first thing you do is to have a positive attitude towards any situation.

Does this make your teaching strategy better? Definitely, yes!

Because, your behavior can directly affect their behavior, so have a warm and welcoming attitude. This will make them to grasp what you are displaying. For instance, instead of delivering harsh commands like, “stop talking now”, you can say, “Can you all listen, please?” However, some level of strictness is also important to maintain discipline and punctuality.

Break the Monotony of Delivering Regular Lectures

While you are focusing on creating healthy relationships with each one of them, it is significantly essential to create a friendly bond among each other too.

This one can become the most significant ways to break down the hesitation. Indulge them more in non-competitive games and group learning activities. This will not only boost their creative and unique side but also help an introvert or shy students feel more presentable and active.

Get your hands on some of the options such as textbooks and online education platforms either for study material, games or plays that you find appropriate for your class grade.  

This is one of the most efficient ways to encourage them to attend your class, which is a great benefit in shaping their future in a better way!