Google Search “Archaeology Jokes”
- Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best jokes about archaeology.
- All archaeology research is groundbreaking.
- An group of archaeologists gathered to find the leg bone of an ancient man… It was a real shindig.
- An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have… The older she gets the more interested he is in her.
- What did the archaeologist say to the other archaeologist?… I got a bone to pick with you.
- An archaeologist is the best wife a man can have… The older he gets the more interested she is in him.
- Never marry an archaeologist… They’re always digging up the past!
- I hate archaeologists… They always act like they have a bone in to pick.
- Why do archaeologists always get invited to the homecoming dance?… Because they will “date any old thing.” (Homecoming Jokes)
- My archaeologist co-worker tried to blackmail me the other day… Turns out he got a lot of dirt on me.
- I recently started dating an archaeologist… It just goes to show that they will date anything.
- When a knight in armor was killed in battle, what sign did they put on his grave?… Rust in peace!
- What was the most popular kids’ movie in Ancient Greece?… Troy Story.
- What do you get in a 5-star pyramid?… A tomb with a view.
- Archaeologists discover that Rome was in fact built in a day… Slackers everywhere suddenly feel a massive obligation to be more productive.
- How did the two archaeologists fall in love… Carbon dating.
- Do mummies enjoy being mummies?… Of corpse!
- Why do archaeologists always get invited to prom?… Because they will “date any old thing.” (Prom Jokes)
- Why did Cleopatra think she didn’t need a psychiatrist?… Because she was the Queen of Denial. (Top Psychology Jokes & Top World Geography Jokes)
- How does King Tut’s secretary answer his calls?… “He can’t talk right now, he’s all wrapped up.”
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about archaeology?
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good archaeology knock-knock joke?
- Why did the archaeologist’s wife divorce him? He was carbon-dating behind her back
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good archaeology knock knock jokes?(June Jokes & Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
- Cleopatra: “I’d love to take a milk bath.” Attendant: “Pasteurized?” Cleopatra: “No, just up to my neck” (Top Milk Jokes)
- What song does an archaeologist listen to when their work site is closed?… No Diggity
- Two archaeologists were excavating a tomb in Egypt. Archaeologist #1: I just found another tomb of a mummefied pharoah! Archaeologist #2: Are you serious? Archaeologist #1: No bones about it!
- Did you hear about the angry mummy?… He flipped his lid.
- Archaeologists say that Roman cement was stronger than it is in modern times… I need to see some concrete evidence
- Why did the archaeologist go bankrupt?… Because his career was in ruins.
- What do you call a very, very, very, very, very old joke?… Pre-hysterical!
- What sort of art do archaeologists like best?… Post-impressionism!
- What do you call a Roman Emperor with a cold?… Julius Sneezer.
- What do an Archaeologist and Cancel Culture have in common?… They both love to dig up the past.
- My archaeologist friend was looking sad at work, so I asked him if there was something wrong “Of course there is!” He said. “My work is in ruins!”
- Where did Caesar keep his armies?… Up his sleevies.
- Why wasn’t the archaeologist interested in girls?… Because he only dated mummies.
- Why didn’t Napoleon like to fight his battles on windy days?… In case he was blown apart.
- Why did King Richard III go to the dentist?… To get his teeth crowned! (Top Dentist Jokes)
- Why wasn’t sunbathing an Olympic sport in ancient Greece?… Because the best you can get is bronze. (Top Olympic Jokes)
- Why do archaeologists get all the girls?… Because they have the best dating techniques.
- Why do archaeologists get all the boys?… Because they have the best dating techniques.
- Who’s your mummy?
- Why did the archaeologist’s husband divorce her?… She was carbon-dating behind his back.
- Did they play tennis in ancient Egypt?… Yes, the Bible tells how Joseph served in Pharoah’s court! (Top Tennis Jokes)
- When did Caesar reign? I didn’t know he reigned…. Of course he did, didn’t they hail him?
- Did you hear the one about the archaeologist that was found napping on the job?… Apparently, he was stoned.
- Most mothers tell their daughters to marry doctors… I told mine to marry an archaeologist because the older she gets, the more interested he will be in her.
- Most mothers tell their sonss to marry doctors… I told mine to marry an archaeologist because the older he gets, the more interested she will be in him.
- Never date an archaeologist… They’re always digging up the past!