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Google Search “Cycling Jokes”

  1. Do you know what is the hardest part of learning to ride a bike?… The pavement.
  2. Why can’t a bicycle stand up on its own?… Because it’s two tired!
  3. What does a bicycle call its dad?… Pop-cycle! (Top 50 Father’s Day Jokes & Top Father’s Day Quotes)
  4. Why are bank tellers not allowed to ride bicycles?… They tend to lose their balance. (101 Pi Day Jokes)
  5. What is a ghost-proof bicycle?… One with no spooks in it. (Top Halloween Jokes)
  6. What did the flower say to the bike?… petal.
  7. What do you call an artist who sculpts with bicycle parts?… Cycleangelo (Art Teachers are Great Tutors!)
  8. Did you hear about the lunatic who won the Tour De France in one day?… He took the psycho-path. (Top Psychology Jokes)
  9. What do you get if you cross a bike and a flower?… Bicycle petals!
  10. What did the little boy take his bicycle to bed with him?… Because he didn’t want to walk in his sleep.