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Even before the child goes to elementary school, parents need to make sure that the child is ready for schooling. Particular attention should be paid to psychological, social, and intellectual types of readiness, as well as other important criteria. In this article, we will consider in detail the knowledge and skills that a future first grader needs to have in order to quickly adapt to school workloads and easily integrate into the learning process.

Psychological And Social Readiness For School

From the very first day of school, a first-grader will be introduced to a new group of students and will meet their classmates with whom they will study in the future. The unfamiliar environment itself is great stress, and the need to establish communication with other children can lead to more anxiety, especially if the student does not have developed social skills. Therefore parents need to be sure in advance that their child is psychologically ready. Parents can learn about this from a psychologist or hire a professional tutor for preparing for elementary school from a custom writing service, who will assess the psychological readiness of the child during the learning process.

In addition to communication skills, this also applies to the ability to follow the rules of behavior – a first-grader should have an idea about them. In order to prepare the child for the new surroundings, it is also critical to instill in him an understanding of the school as a whole.

Independence, Attention, Concentration, And Patience

Unlike kindergarten, where teachers constantly look after children, at school they have to show more independence. First of all, this concerns elementary self-service skills – by the elementary school, children should already have them. Also, students should be independent enough not to leave their notebooks, textbooks, and other supplies in the classroom, not forget to record homework. The more independent the student, the easier it is for him to get used to school.

It is also important to be able to maintain concentration for a long time – during the entire lesson. It is on the patience and attentiveness of the student that the level of comprehension of the material will depend.

Fine Motor Skills

Writing is one of the hardest skills to master. The success of each individual child largely depends on the level of development of his fine motor skills. If the child can confidently cut out figures from paper, draw well for his age, paint over figures with hatching, and sculpt from plasticine, then his motor development is sufficient. It is necessary to develop motor skills even at preschool age – then it will be easier to master the letter.

Motivations Readiness To Study

The success of a schoolchild will largely depend on his level of motivation. Of course, not all modern children want to go to school, because even as preschoolers they understand that studying is difficult. However, even if a preschooler does not want to go to first grade, it is important to instill in him an understanding of the importance of education. The future schoolchild should understand why it is so important to acquire subject knowledge and learn important basic skills such as counting, reading, and writing.

Child’s Intelectual Readiness For School

In elementary school, children learn the basics of arithmetic, learn to read and write in copybooks. First-graders, on the other hand, do not always keep up with the curriculum, which leads to a loss of knowledge of the content. If a student finds any subject difficult, each new topic will provide him with even more challenges, especially if his previously obtained knowledge has not been adequately consolidated.

It’s important to remember that children get the most critical basic knowledge and abilities during their first year of school, without which continued development of the school curriculum is impossible. As a result, it is worthwhile to prepare for school in advance in order to facilitate adaptation to learning loads and simplify understanding of school material in the first grade. It is possible to assure a preschooler’s intellectual readiness for learning if topic knowledge is instilled in him ahead of time – to teach counting, letter-by-letter, syllable-by-word, and word-by-word reading, as well as concepts from the field of the surrounding world.