“Teachers are great tutors!” Teachers keep 100% of the profits! If you are a teacher we would love to list you in our national directory! It is easy to register.
It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area. Please help us find ONE MORE teacher who tutors!
Please Share!

Author Bio: Laura Peraza, Social Media Manager at World Book Night U.S.

We’ve all read a book that touched us or listened to a funny story. The first thing we want to do is share it. Share it with our friends, family, and acquaintances. World Book Night has just taken it to the next level. We want to create a sense of community, which we’ve lost lately in this hectic stressful world we live in.

World Book Night has become such a fun celebration! It’s not only about giving books and encouraging reading in those who don’t regularly do so. It is also about people, communities, and connections. World Book Night encourages reaching out to others and touching lives in the simplest of ways—through the sharing of stories.

The best part…. it works! As the person in charge of social media (@wbnamerica)
at World Book Night, I’ve seen first hand all the thousands of giving moments where a life was changed. Where a person owned a book for the first time, where a lonely teen had someone to share their passion for poetry for the first time. It’s joyful, sometimes heartbreaking, and always an uplifting experience!

Some of our wonderful givers are teachers and parents. People who are already doing so much to instill the love of reading and sense of community in our youth. They do it everyday when they encourage a teen to help another or simply give them a book to cheer them up. When they teach them and show them the wonders of learning. And especially when they recognize in every young person a talent that needs to be nurtured.

Every April 23 is the official celebration of World Book Night. One day where more than 25,000 people across the country unite to bring books and smiles to the country. But it need not stop there; we can keep the spirit of World Book Night all year long. Every time we share a new book or a story with someone, it brings a little joy to their lives and ours. We’re so grateful to all the givers for believing in what World Book Night is and for doing this every year with us.

In 2014 we want to go one step further. We ask that you not only participate in the big April 23 giveaway, but keep the spirit of World Book Night alive by going back to those recipients and talking to them not only about the book but about their lives. We never know when our smile or ‘Hello’ can brighten someones day. And if you weren’t able to be a giver this year, you can still help spread the love of reading and community by downloading and sharing the WBN 2014 ebook!

We thank all teachers and parents for giving their time to spread the love of reading and help us reach those who don’t regularly read due to lack of means or access. We couldn’t have done it without you!