Lora Jonson is an active guest post writer and she works as a content manager. She believes that her articles help people to be more productive and achieve success in their life. Besides, she is interested in painting, traveling and self-improvement. Her life credo is “Be, do and have what you’re here for.”

Paraphrasing is a skill you would need from time to time. Especially is you are a student, a writer or a professional. Seeing as many people don’t have this skill or the time, we look for online tools. An online paraphrasing tool should be able to get your work reworded without much need to edit. Not all of these tools are created equally, but there are some good options out there. It might take a little trial and error until you find the perfect one.

If you were to search for an online paraphrasing tool, you would be bombarded with a variety of options. It is always a good idea to look at the reviews to get a feel for the effectiveness of the tool. You could also simply add some text that is not important. This can be a test run. When you find the most effective one, you can start trying it on the content you need paraphrased. The benefits to using these tools are endless, but we will list the most important ones.

Time saving

Paraphrasing takes a lot of time to do and these tools can help you save some time. The brain work and effort that goes into rewording is a lot. Most people don’t have the time to invest into paraphrasing an entire paper. These tools are going to help you paraphrase your work fast and effectively. To rephrase a sentence takes time and it can be done in seconds on one of these tools.


Most of these tools have perfect grammar software built in. You still want to have a look at it just to make sure, but mostly this would be accurate. Not having to overthink the grammar on your rewritten work is a bonus. Doing your own paraphrasing can result in a few grammatical issues. This is based on the fact that you want to keep the context the same but you cannot use the same sentence structure. It’s easy to make these small mistakes, but it can be avoided with an online paraphrasing tool.

Cost effective

You can find free online paraphrasing tools to make your life easier. Students often time don’t have the funds to invest in a professional paraphrasing service, so this is a good alternative. It might not be as effective as hiring someone to do it for you, but the fact that it’s free starts making it an attractive option.

No plagiarism

One of the biggest benefits to using these paraphrasing tools is the avoidance of plagiarism. Having the paraphrased work checked against a lot of sources is important. You can do this with a plagiarism checker, but these paraphrasing tools have one built in. It kills two birds with one stone. Having that peace of mind is important. It is quite amazing how these tools work and even if you don’t understand how, it helps to know you don’t have to worry about plagiarism charges.

Easy to use

Copying and pasting the original content into a paraphrasing tool is not a challenge for most people. An easy paraphrasing tool is going to get the job done at a fast pace and does not take rocket science to figure out. With this being an option available, students should use it as and when needed.

Have you used an online paraphrasing tool before?

With all these amazing benefits, it is easy to see why paraphrasing tools are rising in popularity. We can use the internet for good or bad, but in this case it helps save you time and money. Stick to the one you find to be most effective. A lot of thought went into creating these kind of tools and the benefits are all for you. There is no need to start paraphrasing from scratch. It’s worth trying a few tools until you find the best one out there for your needs.