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The transitional phase during middle school can be challenging for your child. But with the right strategies, you can help set them on the path to success.

It’s all about making them feel good and confident while making the right choices to strengthen their foundation. 

If you’re dealing with any difficulty in providing help to your child, take these outstanding steps to support them as they navigate this important stage in their life.  

1. Attend parents teachers meeting

Your presence shows your child that their education matters to you. Attending these meetings shows your child that you’re their biggest supporter and that their education is a team effort between home and school.

Think about what you want to ask or discuss with the teacher beforehand. Hear what teachers have to say about your child’s progress. Talk about your child’s strengths, challenges, and concerns. 

Together with the teacher, set achievable goals for your child’s growth. Keep the conversation going even after the meeting.

2. Help your child in doing homework

Your assistance can boost their confidence in tackling challenging tasks. Establish a regular homework time and place that’s free from distractions. Ask about their assignments, due dates, and what they need help with.

Encourage them to think critically and solve problems independently. Offer guidance when they’re stuck. Encourage effort, not just correct answers. 

Praise their hard work and persistence. If they get frustrated, stay patient and calm to create a positive learning atmosphere.

3. Find a perfect place for your child to learn

One grave step to help your child excel is to enroll them in the right middle school. A better school often provides a higher quality of education, which can enhance your child’s academic development and growth.

So, carefully research your options to provide the best learning environment for their middle school years. 

Arrange visits to the schools you’re interested in. Observe classrooms, talk to teachers, and get a feel for the environment.

Connect with parents whose children attend the schools you’re considering to gather insights and feedback. 

Ensure that spots are available and that the school’s location and schedule are practical for your place. 

If you find a suitable school, apply early, as good schools often have limited spaces.

4. Be aware of the student code of conduct

The code of conduct outlines behavioral expectations. It helps your child understand what is acceptable and what isn’t at school. 

Familiarize yourself with the school’s code of conduct. You can find it in the student handbook or the school’s website. 

Have open conversations with your child about it. Explain its importance and what it means for their behavior.

Discuss the potential consequences of violating the code and how to handle them responsibly. Demonstrate respectful behavior and ethics, as children often learn by example.

Help your child adhere to the rules to navigate their school environment successfully. It’ll also teach them valuable life lessons about responsibility and respect.

5. Take responsibility for their school needs

Communicate your expectations regarding their school responsibilities. Provide tools like planners or digital apps to help them stay organized. 

Let them take the lead in managing their schoolwork while being available to support them when required.

6. Make your child attend school regularly

Regular attendance ensures your child receives consistent instruction, which is vital for academic progress. Set a consistent daily routine that includes a regular wake-up time and morning preparation.

Ensure they feel safe and comfortable at school and address their possible concerns or anxieties. Pay attention to their health, ensuring they are well-rested and in good physical condition to attend school.

Stay connected with the school to address any issues affecting attendance. Recognize and celebrate their attendance milestones to motivate them.

Help your child see the value and enjoyment in learning to make them more excited about attending school.

7. Ask about the day in school

Statistics show that one out of five students say they’ve faced bullying. So, stay aware of your child’s daily school life to keep them safe.

Ask about their day in school when they return home. This creates a strong foundation for their emotional well-being and academic success and strengthens your parent-child bond.

Instead of directly asking, “How was your day?” ask questions like, “Did anything funny or exciting happen at school?”

Pay attention when they respond and show you care about their thoughts and feelings. 

If they’re not in the mood to talk, respect their need for space, but let them know you’re available when they’re ready. Make this a daily routine, so they know they can rely on you anytime.

Occasionally, share your experiences to make it a two-way conversation and model open communication. If they share concerns or challenges, guide them without judgment. 


In the journey to support your middle schooler’s growth, foster a positive learning environment at home, promote effective study habits, and nurture their emotional well-being.

Embrace these steps to empower your middle schooler to flourish. It’ll help them learn and become a confident, well-rounded individual ready for the challenges ahead!