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Top 10 Sports Jokes, Summer Olympic Jokes, Top 10 Summer Olympics Jokes, & #1 Sports Jokes
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  1. Why was the skeleton always left out in rowing?… Because he had no body to go with. (Top Halloween Jokes)
  2. What did the mummy rowing coach say at the end of practice?… “Let’s wrap this up!” (Top Halloween Jokes)
  3. When is a rower like a judge?… When he sits on the bench.
  4. What would you get if you crossed a rower and the Invisible Man?… Rowing like no one has ever seen.
  5. Why was Cinderella such a bad at the rowing?… Her coach was a pumpkin.
  6. Why is a rowing meet the coolest place to be?… Because it’s full of fans.
  7. Where do rowers go to get a new uniform?… New Jersey (Top Geography Jokes & Top 500 Jokes for U.S. States)
  8. Did you hear about the rower who wore two jackets when she painted the house?… The instructions on the can said: “Put on two coats.”