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Here are a few lessons that I have used with a high school Psychology class. Hopefully the lessons are clear and useful to some teachers.
Introduction to High School Psychology Lessons (4)
- Psychology Pre-Test
- Psychology Day #1: Dead Poet’s Society and a Bucket List!
- Write it Forward: Letter of Appreciation
- Create a Psychology Class “Hall of Fame”
Learning (11)
- What I Have Learned
- Psychology Lesson: Classical Conditioning Hopping Activity
- Psychology: Video Clips for Teaching Classical Conditioning
- The Office and Classical Conditioning
- Pavlov’s Dog & Classical Conditioning: Great Video Clip
- Little Albert Experiment & Classical Conditioning
- Guest Blog: Teaching Classical Conditioning to High School Students
- Psychology Lesson: Personal Learning Experiences
- Unique Psychology Lesson: Learning How to Catch Quarters
- Psychology Lesson: Learned Helplessness
- Classical Conditioning Quiz
The Brain (2)
Memory (6)
- Psychology Lesson: Short-Term Memory Test
- Psychology Lesson: Short-Term Memory & Telephone Sentences
- Psychology Lessons: “Memories of….”
- Psychology Lesson: Memory Bank
- Kenny Chesney “I Go Back”: Psychology, Songs, & Memories
- Selective Attention: 2 Great Awareness Tests
Thought (3)
- Psychology Lesson: A Thinking Quiz
- Psychology Lesson: Get U2 on Stage!
- Psychology Lesson: Thought “If…..”
Motivation and Emotion (5)
- Eric Thomas: How Bad Do You Want It?
- Psychology Lesson: Write it Forward
- Psychology Lesson: Great Feedback from Just 1 Letter!
- Excellent End of the Year Lesson: Too Busy for a Friend
- Michael Jordan: NBA Hall of Fame Speech
- Motivation and 3 Ounces (by Ron White)
Sensation and Perception (3)
Great Motivational Speeches (5)
- Dennis Lehane: It’s About Honor
- Michael Jordan: NBA Hall of Fame Speech
- Abraham Lincoln: “I Do the Best I Know How”
- Eric Thomas: How Bad Do You Want It?
- Amazing Motivational Speech: “Give Me ALL You’ve Got!”
Great Books for Psychology (3)
- The Last Lecture is a Great Teaching Tool!
- 25 Activities for Teachers to Use with The Last Lecture
- A Great Teaching Resource: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Great DVDs for Psychology (3)