(Kangaroo Jokes)

Google Search “Kangaroo Jokes”

  1. What do you call a talking Kangaroo?… Unbe-Leap-able. (Leap Year Jokes)
  2. What’s a kangaroo’s favorite kind of year?… A leap year, of course—they’re the ultimate leapers!
  3. What did the baby kangaroo say to the mama kangaroo?… Don’t leap me hanging.
  4. What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with a calendar?… A leap year!
  5. In what year were kangaroos discovered?… A leap year.
  6. What’s a kangaroo’s favorite month?… February – it’s the perfect time to practice their leaps!
  7. Why did the kangaroo want to change his birthday to February 29th?… So he could celebrate every leap year!
  8. Why was the kangaroo so excited for leap year?… It could finally celebrate its birthday every four years!
  9. What do you get if you cross a turtle with a giraffe and a kangaroo?… A turtle neck jumper.