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  1. What do you get from an Alaskan cow?…  Ice Cream (Top Geography Jokes Top State Jokes)
  2. Knock! Knock!… Who’s there?… Ice cream!… Ice cream who?… Ice cream if you throw me in the cold, cold water!
  3. What happens after you eat an entire gallon of “All Natural” ice cream?… You get Breyer’s remorse!
  4. How did Reese eat her ice cream?… Witherspoon.
  5. How do astronauts eat their ice creams?… In floats!
  6. What do you get if you divide the circumference of a bowl of ice cream by its diameter?… Pi a’la mode. (Pi Day Jokes)
  7. What does Oliver Stone eat ice cream? … Any Given Sundae.
  8. Where is the best place to get an ice cream?… IN A SUNDAY SCHOOL.
  9. What did the newspaper say to the ice cream?… What’s the scoop
  10. Why did the ice cream truck break down?… Because of the Rocky Road.
  11. How do you learn how to make ice cream?… In Sunday (Sundae) School.