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FREE U.S. History Lessons / Electoral College Highest to Lowest / President’s Day Jokes

  1. Revolutionary War Jokes Jokes
  2. U.S History Jokes
  3. Geography Jokes
  4. Clean Jokes

Rags to Riches is a great interactive quiz on the branches of government

To keep one branch from overpowering another branch and not following the constitution, the original delegates chose a system of what?

a. checks and compromises
b. checks and balances
c. checks and overrides
d. checks and accounting

What is the job of the legislative branch?

a. create treaties

b. enforce laws

c. write laws

d. tell the meaning of laws

What is the job of the executive branch of government?

a. interpret laws

b. enforce laws

c. write laws

d. to ensure that all people follow the laws

The President is the head of which branch of government?

a. executive

b. legislative

c. judicial

d. Supreme Court

Congress cannot do which of the following?

a. create treaties

b. pass taxes

c. approve treaties

d. make laws

Which branch of the government can rule a President’s actions unconstitutional?

a. legislative

b. the House of Representatives

c. judicial

d. executive

Which branch of the government appoints Supreme Court Justices?

a. legislative

b. executive

c. Congress

d. judicial

If the President signs the bill,

a. it is returned to Congress for 2/3rds majority vote.

b. it is returned to Congress for its signatures.

c. it becomes law.

d. it is sent to the judicial branch for their approval.

Which branch of the government can veto a bill passed by Congress?

a. executive

b. legislative

c. Supreme Court

d. judicial

Which branch of the government can impeach a President?

a. legislative

b. executive

c. House of Representatives

d. judicial

The Judicial Branch

a. can decide whether a law is constitutional

b. can override a President’s veto

c. can approve treaties

d. can make laws

Impeach means

a. the President is removed from office.

b. the President is told to step down in favor of the Vice President.

c. the President is accused of wrongdoing(s).

d. the President is tried by the Supreme Court.