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Worried about your pet’s anxiety!! Searching for something to treat their anxiety? It may be due to your pet getting nervous, stressed, silent, not playing, and doing regular activities. Anxiety can occur in every living being, including animals. Pets like cats and dogs also suffer from stress and anxiety. It is essential to know the symptoms of anxiety and its treatment. The question is can you treat pet anxiety with CBD Oil? 

Let’s know What CBD oil is? Is CBD oil for pets or not?

First, we will go through the symptoms of a pet’s anxiety. 

It’s a hard thing to know what your pet is up to and going through. So, it becomes crucial to know the signs that you need to be aware of. The earlier and deeper you understand the pet’s symptoms, the faster you can go with treatments. 

Few basic symptoms of dogs and Cat anxiety:

Anxiety in pets can occur due to four main reasons like: fear, separation, aging, and general health. Separation anxiety is common in pets: It occurs when your pet is afraid to be away from you. The symptoms are-

  • Destructive or bad behavior
  • Change in mood
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Not eating or weight gain or loss.
  • Shivering
  • Running away in the corner of a house

There are many other symptoms depending on your pet. You need to get aware of it. At first, the anxiety may seem to be not miserable. As time goes it can have long-term effects, any other cardiac problems, stroke; high blood pressure can shorten lifespan. 

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is derived naturally, also known as Cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is present in the hemp plant. The hemp plant comes with various medical purposes. CBD derived from hemp plants doesn’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol, i.e., THC. CBD oil is also known to calm down anxiety and soothe it naturally. Studies have found that CBD helps to manage stress in animals. 

Benefits of CBD Oil

  • CBD helps to produce a calming effect.
  • It can offer much-needed relief and rest
  • It also helps in leading to overall health and wellbeing.
  • CBD helps in the benefit of relaxation without any intoxication.

It is common when pets are ill or have any other physical condition. They can get stressed, anxious, and uncomfortable. CBD oil has the power to improve health and physical benefits. 

CBD helps Calming your pet’s Fears:

It happens quite a lot that due to anxiety, animals have a fear of loud noises. Pets often give physical reactions to their fears. Try to keep away the things that fear your pet. CBD oil can help to calm their body and feel relaxed.

Natural Pain Relief:

CBD can also act as a pain reliever. CBD contains an anti-inflammatory compound. From joint pain or aging to pain, CBD can act as a natural pain reliever. 

Ease Your pet separation Anxiety 

Separation anxiety doesn’t have immediate fixes. You need to keep followup on various other things, including exercise. With CBD oil, your pet will relieve the tension produced in their body parts.

CBD oil can help improve aging pet’s mobility 

Pet may go through pain or physical discomfort. Many Research studies show that CBD and Hemp oils improve an aging dog’s mobility. 

Act as Anti-Tumor/Cancer properties

CBD can help with cancer and for the side effects like nausea, pain, etc. Dogs can take it internally to help shrink tumors, the same as it has in humans.

  • Anti-Nausea Properties

It’s common to eat something wrong not just by human beings but also by pets. Chances are there that your pet has picked up something from the floor. In such cases also you can use CBD. It can also help to treat illness, car-sickness, or other causes.

  • Epilepsy/Seizure Relief

At the basic level, pets may suffer from seizures. It may result in other long-term brain effects. CBD has its magical curing effect on pets in cases of  Epilepsy or Seizure.

Overall health and balance

CBD with relief in pain and anxiety. It can help to maintain a healthy balance in life. Can improve the various minor health conditions. 

  • Skin Conditions

Animals face a variety of skin conditions. That may cause allergies, infections, bug bites, and itchiness. There are tons of lotions and products like essential oil that can help relieve skin irritation. CBD is known for going deeper and solving the skin issue by eliminating it at the source. 

How to use CBD oil?

You can mix CBD with creams or gels or can put it in capsules to take orally. They are also sprayed as a liquid into the pet’s mouth. Ensure to consult a doctor to know the issues with your pet. 

For your pets, you can start with a good rule of thumb. That may be 1-2mg for every 10 pounds of weight. CBD oils come in different concentrations. The oil comes in the form of a bottle, and the label contains the instructions. The doses vary with cats and dogs and also depending on the age of the animal. 

How Long Does it Take CBD to Start Working?

It may take a while to start working. But indeed, it offers the best effects and helps to relieve the symptoms.

Are you giving CBD along with other medications?

If your pet is going through any other conditions and medication, you need to get a proper consultation and do deep research opting for CBD. As CBD oil is natural, it makes your pet happier, more relaxed.

Follow CBD safety considerations:

Your pet can also face side effects like dry mouth and drowsiness. Be careful if your dog takes other medication. Make sure to follow the recommended dosage. Also, keep an eye on how the pet reacts. While selecting a CBD product, you need to look if it is the one obtained initially. Make sure to consult your pet doctor.  


With relief from body pain, animals can overcome the stress feeling. The pet owner needs to identify the cause of their anxiety. Different symptoms are there depending on age and animal type. CBD is safe and natural. The time you get aware of the cause of your pet’s anxiety. It becomes easier for you to bring them comfort.