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  5. 365 Family Friendly Jokes
  6. School Jokes: December Jokes

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December Guest Blogs
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Check out our complete list of 100+ Guest Blogs!365 Family Friendly Jokes!
Top Guest Blogs
Writing Advice for College Students
One of our greatest resources for parents and teachers is our guest blogs. Our guest blogs allows us to share the wisdom, knowledge, and expertise of parents, teachers, and others individuals.
We always love sharing great resources. We decided to compile our most viewed blogs for 2014. (December 15, 2013 – December 15, 2014). We are so grateful to all the guest bloggers. We hope to continue to share great ideas in 2015.

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  31. Seven Life Lessons from Seven Children’s Books by Alia Almeida (@aliamaria9 @wbnamerica)
  32. Why Music? It Helps with Math, Reading, & Happiness by Estela Aragon (@MusicFitAcademy )
  33. The Best College Advice: Listen to Your Parents! by Giuliana Napolitano (@gnapolitttt)
  34. 5 Steps To Manage The Challenging Behavior In Children by Daniel Clark
  35. Summer is A Time For Learning, Inside the Classroom & Out by Sophia Bruun (@gladlydo)
  36. Why I Love Teaching My Kindergarten Class! by Sheela Mathews (@getsynopsis)
  37. Children Are Our Future: Create Conditions for Success! by Cathy Snelgrove (@DiscoverYou1)
  38. How Tutoring Can Save Your Retirement as a Teacher
  39. Connecting International Students & Local School Communities by Sawyer Middeleer (@Shearwaterintl)
  40. It’s Time To Show Support For World Autism Awareness Day! by Lorrie Servati
  41. “But, I Didn’t Mean to Plagiarize…” by Beth Hammett
  42. School on Wheels: Making a Difference in Massachusetts by Susan Finn
  43. A New Creative Focus: “It’s an Absolute Necessity!” by Leah Hinton (@TechSpaghetti)
  44. 37 Classroom Tips From a Teacher Turning 37 by Merve Oflaz (@oflazmerve)
  45. The 5 Worst College Application Mistakes by Anthony-James Green (@TstPrpAuthority)
  46. Why Teach Character in Schools? #charactered by Dr. Christopher (@SeekonkAP_Jones)
  47. Six Rules for Flashcard Learning Success by Don Crawford, Ph.D. (@rocketmath)
  48. Celebrate National Poetry Month with Poets.org by the Academy of American Poets
  49. End of the School Year Tips for Saving Your Child’s Art by Cody Cassidy
  50. The Benefits of Studying Abroad in College:Stephanie Santos is a full-time student at UMass Lowell and Content Manager at Boston Tutoring Services.