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As part of a Psychology class, my students were required to write a letter to person who has made a difference in their lives. The letter also included a request to the person who received the letter to “Write it Forward” by sending a letter to another person.
As with many assignments, a teacher can never truly understand the impact an assignment may have. It was not until close to two months later that I realized for at least one student, the activity was a huge success.
The following email was received on Wednesday February 6th. The first letters were sent out on December 12, 2012.
To the Class,
What an awesome idea you have.

A few years ago a friend asked us if we could help his grandson, Andrew with a school project.   Andrew needs a traveler to carry a paper doll by the name of “Flat Stanley” to the different states and take a photo of Flat Stanley in various cities.  And to mail a postcard from his destination from Flat Stanley describing his adventures.  At that time my husband & I were traveling to many States and Countries so we agreed.  What fun we had taking Flat Stanley’s photo and sending Andrew post cards signed by Flat Stanley.
What a great idea.  Sending letters of appreciation is a wonderful way of telling someone how much they have meant to them.  This is something we don’t do very much and should.  The person that wrote to me I love very much & I know she loves me too.  Her letter made me cry with her remembering all the things we did together.  I will treasure this letter forever.
It was very hard to pick just one person in my life.  I have had a lot of people that have helped me in the past 70 years. It took me a month to decide. The person I wrote to will be very surprised to know how grateful I am for her in my life.
I personally want to thank the class that took on this project of inspiring others to send letters of Appreciation.
Good Luck
It was awesome to receive the email. We always like to respond any time we receive feedback to learn a little more about the original letter and the current destination of the project.
Here is our response.
Thank you so much for participating. We are glad to hear the letter brightened your day. It is great to hear you will be continuing our project.
We would love to know a little more.
Who sent the original letter?
What number letter is the one you received?
Where do you live?
I know you mentioned you have had many people make a difference in your life, feel free to write to more than one person. If you have not already sent the letter, you could photocopy it as many times as you need or I can send you a copy of the original to start your own chain.
Thanks again and have a great day!
The Class
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Have a great day!