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The Regents Prep website is a great resource for US History teachers. The questions can be used for reviews, exams & quizzes, or as a test taking skills activity. A teacher may need to make a few adjustments when using the questions with his or her class.
There are 22 geography questions on the website. Below are 18 of the 22. If you some of the questions, perhaps you could use them with your students.
1a Geography (22 questions)
1. Which city is paired with the geographical feature that directly contributed to its growth?
a. San Francisco & Rocky Mountains
b. New Orleans & Mississippi River
c. Pittsburgh & Hudson River
d. Cleveland & Atlantic Coastal Plain
2. The best source of information for identifying the location of the major mountain ranges in the United States is:
a. an encyclopedia
b. an almanac
c. an atlas
d. a dictionary
3. According to the 1990 census, which two areas of the United States include the most densely populated parts of the nation?
a. the Great Plains and Texas
b. the Northeast and southern California
c. the South and the Rocky Mountain states
d. the Appalachian states and the Midwest
4. Which geographic advantage did the United States gain by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803?
a. warm-water ports on the Atlantic coast
b. rich fishing areas in the Great Lakes
c. full control of the Mississippi River
d. vast coal reserves in the region west of Pennsylvania
5. Population data from the census of 2000 was used to determine the number of
a. states in the Union
b. Senators from each state
c. electoral college votes from each state
d. Supreme Court justices
6. Which group benefited most from the United States acquisition of the port of New Orleans?
a. farmers in the Ohio River Valley
b. Native American Indians in the Southwest
c. fur trappers in the Columbia River Valley
d. gold miners in northern California
7. Which geographic factor had the greatest influence on early patterns of industrialization in the United States?
a. scarcity of flat land on which to build factories
b. shortages of timber and coal
c. desire of workers to live in mild climates
d. availability of waterpower to operate machines
8. Which type of map shows the most detailed information about Earth’s natural features, such as rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges?
a. political
b. demographic
c. weather
d. physical
9. Which region of the United States is correctly paired with an industry that is dominant in that region?
a. Southwest – timber
b. Pacific Northwest – citrus crops
c. Great Plains – grain crops
d. Atlantic Coastal Plain – iron mining
10. In the early 1800’s, the need for a water route to help farmers ship their products to market was one reason for the
a. Gadsden Purchase
b. Louisiana Purchase
c. Mexican Cession
d. Missouri Compromise
11. Which United States foreign policy action resulted from the close geographic relationship between the United States and Latin America?
a. Monroe Doctrine
b. Truman Doctrine
c. Marshall Plan
d. Open Door policy
12. In the United States, regional differences in economic development are primarily due to
a. settlement patterns of immigrant groups
b. pressure from various religious groups
c. state and federal election laws
d. geographic factors in various parts of the nation
13. Because of fertile land and a long growing season, plantations in the thirteen colonies developed in
a. New England
b. the Middle Atlantic region
c. the South
d. the upper Mississippi River valley
14. What would be the best title for this map? (Go to the website for map.)

a. British Domination of the Americas
b. Colonial Trade Routes
c. Spanish Colonies in the New World
d. The United States in 1750
15. In which section of early 19th-century America was the plantation system an important feature?
a. New England
b. the Middle Atlantic states
c. the South
d. the West
16. Acquiring New Orleans as part of the Louisiana Purchase was considered important to the development of the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys because the city
a. provided protection from attacks by the Spanish
b. provided migrant workers for river valley farms
c. served as a port for American agricultural goods
d. served as the cultural center for the nation
17. Farmers in the Ohio River valley gained the greatest economic benefit when the United States acquired the
a. Oregon Territory
b. Gadsden Purchase
c. Louisiana Territory
d. Mexican Cession
18. Since the late 1700s, the Mississippi River has been a vital waterway because it
a. divided the northern territories from the southern territories
b. allowed American farmers direct access to Canadian markets
c. connected the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean
d. provided farmers and merchants an outlet to the Gulf of Mexico
19. During the first half of the 1800s, geographic factors influenced the economy of New England by
a. encouraging the establishment of large plantations
b. promoting the growth of trade and manufacturing
c. increasing the region’s reliance on slave labor
d. supporting rice and indigo farming