My Town Tutors is making a huge commitment for the 2014 2015 school year to be the #1 tutoring resource for parents and teachers in America. Our motto is “Teachers are great tutors!” Parents love the fact that every teacher in our directory is a teacher!
Please Share!

Google Docs is a great resource for teaching and for twitter. It is a great tool for collaboration and sharing. My Town Tutors uses it extensively with our twitter accounts, we find it to be an incredible resources.
For example, we love to smile and have collected 236 School Jokes: Great for Families & Teachers. Each day at 6:00 AM we tweet one school joke along with a link to our blog of all 236 jokes.
All 236 daily “joke tweets” are shared with each state director. They have the ability to use these tweets to share with there state followers who may not be following @mytowntutors.
Thanks so much! Hopefully this was helpful.
My Town Tutors is a website that connects parents with teachers who tutor. If you are a teacher who tutors, for a limited time, you can register for using promo code: usteachers. Teachers set the hourly and keep 100% of the fees! One of our teachers made $5,000 last year tutoring.