My Town Tutors is the nation’s 1st National Directory of teachers who tutor. Our goal is to expand our network of local teachers who tutor to include teachers from all 50 states!
It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area. Please help us find ONE MORE teacher who tutors!
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The feedback from parents has been incredible to our top 5 Massachusetts Moms on twitter, so we decided to create a blog series of “Perfect Twitter Moms: 100%.”
The only requirement is that the account receive a perfect score of 100 / 100 from tweet grader.
For each account we have included the twitter name, the twitter profile, twitter followers, and the perfect twitter grade. We hope you find them helpful and would love your feedback.
1. @pragmaticmom “I blog excessively about children’s and YA books. When I cover education and parenting, KidLit somehow slips in. Boston, MA ·” (40,300+ followers 100/100 twitter grader)
2. @mommyperks – Mommy Perks & Pine Media: Web Development | Content | Business tips | Parenting articles | ECE | Social Media Marketing | Consulting | Charity | Literacy Online since 2005 ·“ (15,600+ followers, 100/100 twitter grader)
3. @PARENTandCHILD – “Helping you raise smarter, happier families. Tweets from Scholastic Parent & Child’s Digital Editor Megan Hess (@mhess4) and Digital Manager Tom Booth. New York City ·“ (12,250+ followers, 100/100 twitter grader)
4. @HaveSippy – “I’m Samantha- a wife, mom, teacher, and traveler, writing about our adventures. I am PR friendly 🙂 Live in NY/PA/NJ area. Attending #Blogher12 ·“ (9,300+ followers 100/100 twitter grader)
5. @abookmama “Book reader, blog writer, silent ninja, wannabe ballerina. Author of the book RAISE A READER: 25 EFFECTIVE WAYS TO GET KIDS READING California ·” (7,900+ followers 100/100 twitter grader)
We hope you like our lists. Please check back in the future for more additions.
My Town Tutors is a website that connects parents with teachers who tutor. It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area.
We are completing a 50 States in 50 Days Teacher Challenge to recruit teachers who tutor. If you are a teacher who tutors, we are always looking for qualified teachers from all 50 states who tutor to join our national directory of teachers who tutor.
Thank you very much for the kind mention.