My Town Tutors is a website that connects parents with teachers who tutor. Our goal is to be a top tutoring resource for parents and teachers in Texas.
If you are a teacher who tutors, for a limited time, you can register for FREE by using promo code: texas. Teachers set the hourly and keep 100% of the fees! One of our teachers made $5,000 last year tutoring.
It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area. Please help us find ONE MORE teacher who tutors!
The following Texas educators received a perfect score of 100 / 100 from tweet grader. This is a very elite score, unfortunately, this service is no longer available. For each account we have included the twitter name and the twitter profile.
There is an open invitation to any educator on our list to write a guest blog for us now or in the future. Also visit our Connected Educators page!


  1. @txstateteachers – Texas State Teachers Association, NEA’s Texas affiliate. Austin, Texas ·
  2. @TexasAFT – Texas AFT: a union representing all non-administrative certified/classified public school employees. Affiliated with American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. Austin, Texas ·
  3. @WeAreTeachers – Online community of teachers of all types. Teacher social network, Web 2.0, Education, Knowledge Marketplace, school 2.0. Austin, TX
  4. @MyWeb4Ed – Passionate about the impact of technology integration on student success! 2006 TCEA Classroom Teacher of the Year. 2012 MentorMob Innovator. Symbaloo PD Pro. Houston, TX ·
  5. @mattBgomez – Married, father of 3 boys, kindergarten tchr, co-founder @edcampDallas, #kinderchat moderator, #txidea chat co-founder, presenter & Texas Aggie! N Dallas, Texas ·
  6. @ipadSammy – iPad lover, educational technologist for Eanes ISD, and 17 year elementary teacher. Love my family, the Chicago Bears, and discovering new #edtech to share! Austin, Texas ·
  7. @friEdTechnology – Speaker, Changer, Techno Ranger; Coaxer, Cusser, Not a Bluffer; Google Certified Teacher and a Fellow Curious Creature (Tweets are my own) Conroe, TX ·