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Here are three great commencement speeches. One only has 99 views, but the speech is awesome to share with a high school psychology class.
Steve Jobs: Standford University June, 12, 2005 (22:11, 7.6+ million views)

David McCulloch Wellesley High School June 7, 2012 (12:46, 1.98+ Million Views)
“You’re Not Special”

Commencement Speech by David McCulloch. The Following speech given to Wellesley High School on June 2012 was extremely popular. The full text which was published by the The Swellesley Report.
Dennis Lehane June 11, 2003 Boston College High School
(26:38, 99 Views)
“It’s About Honor”

Dennis Lehane, author of Gone Baby Gone, Shutter Island, and Mystic River, gave a great speech to the students of Boston College High School on June 11, 2003. This speech is great to share with high school students.
There is a high school lesson that can be used with this speech. We also a transcript of the  speech.