(Ash Wednesday Jokes)

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  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Ash Wednesday jokes.
  2. Ash Wednesday: The day when a bunch of people with no religion the rest of the year show everyone what religion they are.
  3. Lent is coming – get your ash in church!
  4. What is a Christian’s favorite meal between Ash Wednesday and Easter?… Lentil soup.
  5. Why do Catholics always run marathons the day after Mardi Gras?… Because that’s when they fast! (Ash Wednesday Jokes)
  6. On Ash Wednesday I will be giving up spreadsheets for 40 days and 40 nights. It’s going to be completely Excel Lent.
  7. Avengers: Infinity War is the perfect holiday movie… For Ash Wednesday. (Movie Jokes)
  8. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me the date of Ash Wednesday?
  9. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me the history of Ash Wednesday? 
  10. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me the connection between Ash Wednesday and Fat Tuesday? 
  11. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me the connection between Ash Wednesday and Mardi Gras? 
  12. What do you call it when you’re burnt out in the middle of the week?… Ash Wednesday.
  13. I didn’t want to observe the period from Ash Wednesday to Easter again, but did so to stop my girlfriend’s constant nagging… I re-Lent-ed.
  14. What’s Thanos’ favorite holiday?… Ash Wednesday.
  15. Why did the skeleton go to church on Ash Wednesday?… It wanted to bone up on its spirituality.
  16. Why didn’t the skeleton go to church on Ash Wednesday?… It had no body to go with.
  17. How did the computer observe Ash Wednesday?… It gave up scrolling through social media for Lent.
  18. Ash Wednesday was yesterday so my family is going to be eating a lot more legumes… Mostly lentils.
  19. What is Sean Connery’s favorite holiday?… Ash Wednesday. (Movie Jokes)
  20. What did the pastor say to the boy skipping mass on Ash Wednesday?… Get your ash back over here.
  21. What is a Pokemon trainer’s favorite holiday?… Ash Wednesday.
  22. Why did the math book go to church on Ash Wednesday?… It wanted to pray for higher grades.
  23. Why did the grape go to church on Ash Wednesday?… It wanted to repent for its wine-ing ways.
  24. How did the comedian observe Ash Wednesday?… They gave up their punchlines for 40 days.
  25. Why did the athlete go to church on Ash Wednesday?… They wanted to work on their soul fitness.