April 1st, 2014 is our 1st official day on twitter. We hope to make a big impact. Check back during the day to see our progress.

Twitter stats

8:00 AM 199 following / 107 followers
1:35 PM 0 following / 108 followers
1:40 PM 1 following / 1o8 followers (our best ratio ever!)
2:00 PM 37 following / 108 followers
2:15 PM 99 following / 108 followers
10:10 PM 106 following / 109 followers
Month of March: Spend one month getting acquainted with Social Media. We read and used the 17 Tips for Social Media Success.
Week before:

  1. Write and schedule several blogs for our target audience.
  2. Schedule jokes to share on twitter for April Fool’s Day.

4:30 AM Wake-up go for a jog to clear head and get ready for the day. (Really think if I am going to unfollow every single one of my followers.)
5:30 AM Shower and have breakfast.
8:00 AM Check Twitter status (see above)
8:09 AM Post Blog “Tips for a successful 1st day on twitter”
9:15 AM Post Blog 10 Horrible Accounts for New York Teachers
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Attend classes knowing that tweets are being sent our via twuffer.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM – 1:35 PM Unfollow Every Account
1:40 PM Celebrate 1st account that we follow and continue to refollow our followers.
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM Back to class.
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM Dinner with friends & hangout
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Library to study
10:00 PM Publish blog “New York Education Account of the Day!”
10:10 PM Check google analytics to see we had over 2,500 visitors from the US and 150 from New York. The 2nd highest total next to California.
10:15 PM Prepare and go to bed after an exciting 1st day on twitter.
To Do
Unfollow all followers
Re-follow the solid accounts following us.