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@JonLJenMarc has a goal to be a great resource for Massachusetts teachers. To help reach this goal, they have worked with My Town Tutors (Teachers are great tutors!) to identify the top twitter accounts for Massachusetts Education. They have identified 80 awesome accounts.
Additionally they have targeted the BIG THREE for Massachusetts Education.

  1. @massteacher (5,400 followers)
  2. @NormandinBill (3,780 followers)
  3. @mytowntutorsma (3,050 followers)

Since @JonLJenMarc offers great professional development programs for the teachers of Massachusetts, these three accounts made the most sense to target since they are so connected to Massachusetts teachers and Massachusetts education.
@JonLJenMarc started following the accounts that follow the “Big Three.” @NormandinBill is awesome, but unlike @JonLJenMarc, the account is very selective in following. @NormandinBill only follows 416 accounts. One day, follow every single one of the accounts he was following. He is a trusted source in education on twitter, so why wouldn’t we trust his judgement?
To learn exactly how @JonLJenMarc gained so much success on twitter in such a brief period, please read the case study on how to use twitter.