My Town Tutors is the nation’s 1st National Directory of teachers who tutor. Our goal is to expand our network of local teachers who tutor to include teachers from all 50 states!

It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area. Please help us find ONE MORE teacher who tutors!
Check out more psychology lessons and ideas.
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Here are a few lessons that I have used with a high school Psychology class. Hopefully the lessons are clear and useful to some teachers.
Introduction to High School Psychology Lessons (2)

Psychology Pre-Test
Psychology Lesson: Create a Bucket List / Life List
Learning (6)

What I Have Learned
Psychology Lesson: Classical Conditioning Hopping Activity
Psychology: Video Clips for Teaching Classical Conditioning
Guest Blog: Teaching Classical Conditioning to High School Students
Psychology Lesson: Personal Learning Experiences
Unique Psychology Lesson: Learning How to Catch Quarters
Memory and Thought (2)

Psychology Lesson: A Thinking Quiz
Psychology Lesson: Get U2 on Stage!
Sensation and Perception (1)

Is Spelling REALLY important? Read this!
Great Speeches (1)
Dennis Lehane: It’s About Honor
Great Books for Psychology (2)

The Last Lecture is a Great Teaching Tool!
25 Activities for Teachers to Use with The Last Lecture
My Town Tutors is a website that connects South Shore parents with teachers who tutor. If you are a teacher who tutors, for a limited time, you can register for using promo code: usteachers. Teachers set the hourly and keep 100% of the fees!
It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area.