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If you feel you spend so much time studying, and yet you can’t see the results, it’s time to change your study methods. Studying smarter may involve more planning and organizing your time better. It may mean using active instead of passive study methods and changing where and at which time you study. You may need to take more breaks and collaborate with a study partner. Here are some ways to study with less effort and achieve the best results. 

Create a study plan

Without a study plan, you will have no idea where to begin or how much time to spend on different topics. Your study plan should help you study in a more organized and strategic way. When studying a specific topic, you can use the subtopics mentioned in your syllabi to create labels for separate piles. Each subtopic pile will include articles, homework assignments, and PowerPoint notes that relate to it. Decide in which order to tackle each one and how much time to spend, so you manage to cover all of them. 

Use assignment writing help

As a student in college, learning how to write academic assignments can be difficult, and sometimes this can take up the time you need to study. It can help to use top research paper services available online. When a professional essay writer writes an assignment for you, this gives you a great example to learn from and improve your own essay writing skills. It also gives you enough time for studying so you can get good grades for your exams. 

Use active study strategies

Simply rereading your notes is probably not enough to actively engage with your material. It helps to space your studying out rather than trying to cram the day before the exam. This gives you a chance to understand the meaning and engage actively with the content. Some active study strategies include:

  • Write down questions as you read.
  • Explain the material in your own words by speaking it out loud. 
  • Answer practice questions and try to come up with your own examples.
  • Develop a flowchart or mind map to organize the material.
  • Relate theories to real-life examples.
  • Participate in group study sessions. 

Find out when and where you study best

You need to figure out when you concentrate best. Is it in the early morning or in the evening? Not many students are at their best when trying to study after lunch. If you’re more productive in the evening, study instead of going out. If you work best in the early mornings, get up early and study before you get distracted. 

The place where you study can make a difference. Some students find studying in the library best where everyone is concentrating and quiet. Others may find studying in a place with some background noise helps them to focus. Simply moving to a different location may help to boost your concentration. 

Take breaks

Neglecting to take breaks can be counterproductive. You may find yourself sitting in front of your books, but your mind may be far away. You can only concentrate properly for a certain period of time. Taking a break is not procrastinating. It can help you to return to your books with renewed focus. Short, intense study sessions of about 45 minutes with 10-minute breaks can help you to get more done. You can also get more done if you use homework help websites. Professional writers will help you with your homework assignments, so you have more time to study. 

Test yourself

One of the best ways to prepare for tests is to complete exam questions from previous exam papers. This helps you to prepare mentally for the way questions will be asked. You can time yourself when answering questions. This can help you to make sure you don’t spend too much time on one question in a test and don’t have time for other questions. The more you test yourself, the better you will become at answering questions.

Find a study partner

Collaborating with a study partner can be very helpful. When you have to explain to a partner, it helps you to find gaps in your own understanding. A study partner may understand certain questions better than you and vice versa. 


These study tips will help you to study more effectively instead of sitting in front of your books for long periods but achieving very little. They will help you to walk into an exam without feeling that you aren’t properly prepared. 

Author’s Bio

Robert Everett is a professional writer who’s of the idea that every paper needs a certain level of research and skills to be finally called a good article or an essay or a thesis. This is why he takes every assignment seriously, as he knows students rely on his guidance to complete their papers. This makes him a go-to writer for students from many famous colleges worldwide.