If you are a teacher who tutors, register with us for just $12 for a year. This is the only fee! Teachers keep 100% of the money. One of our teachers made $5,000 last year tutoring.
Parents, “teachers are great tutors!” Find one in your area today!
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The following summer basketball programs will be offered at the Marshfield Boys & Girls Club. Mark Molloy. a teacher with 17 years varsity basketball coaching experience, will be the director. Questions: email markmolloy123@gmail.com.

Summer Boys Basketball Skills Development League: 7-week skills development league for motivated boys living in the South Shore. Each session will include age-appropriate fundamental drills like  “BEEF” shooting, 2-ball dribbling, half court games, & full court games. Each player will receive a reversible shirt & a basketball. Mondays, June 30 – August 11: grades 2 & 3 (4:45 – 6:00), grades 4 – 6 (6:00 – 7:30), grades 7 – 9 (7:30– 9:00). For application: http://www.marshfieldboysandgirlsclub.com/summerprograms/triple-threat-basketball-programs-61-811/
Summer Girls Basketball Skills Development League: 7-week skills development league for motivated girls living in the South Shore. Each session will include age-appropriate fundamental drills like  “BEEF” shooting, 2-ball dribbling, half court games, & full court games Each player will receive a reversible shirt & a basketball. Tuesdays, July 1 – August 12: grades 2 – 4 (5:15 – 6:30), grades 5 – 8 (6:30 – 8:00), grades 7 – 9 (7:30– 9:00). For application: http://www.marshfieldboysandgirlsclub.com/summerprograms/triple-threat-basketball-71-812/
Basketball Buddies Program: 7-week co-ed skills program for players entering K & 1st grade. Players will work with an adult “buddy” (parent, grandparent) to learn some basic skills, like dribbling, passing, catching, lay-ups & shooting. It is a fun, non-competitive learning environment. Each player will receive a ball & t-shirt. Tuesdays, July 1 – August 12: Grades K & 1 (4:30 – 5:15) For application: http://www.marshfieldboysandgirlsclub.com/summerprograms/triple-threat-basketball-71-812/
Coach Molloy will also be offering a 4-day co-ed clinic sponsored by the Marshfield Recreation at Daniel Webster School.
Marshfield Recreation Triple Threat Co-ed Basketball: Mon. – Thurs., July 28 – July 31.  Instruction will focus on teaching age-appropriate basketball skills. Fundamentals covered will include dribbling, ball handling, passing, shooting, and defense. Players of all skill levels can benefit from the instruction. Each player will receive a ball & T-shirt. Grades 1 – 3 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. grades 4 – 8 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. For application: http://www.activityreg.com/selectactivity.wcs