My Town Tutors is the nation’s 1st National Directory of teachers who tutor. We help teachers earn up to $5,000 a year!

It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area. Please help us find ONE MORE teacher who tutors!
Please Share!

@mytowntutorsNY officially launched on April 1, 2013 with a goal of being the a great resource for New York teachers and parents.
Two ways we we hope to gain the trust of of New York teachers is to list:

  1. A New York Educator of the Day: Each day we will add one twitter account that we feel is a good resource for New York teachers. The accounts are amazing and we hope that some of these accounts might see the value in following us too!
  2. A New York Educator of the Week: We interview one connected educator of the week from New York. The interviews allow us to share some of the wisdom and experiences of these talented educators.

To help us continue to share these great resources we give a #FF to these accounts. This is a very simple tweet that we share on Fridays. The tweet simply acknowledges that we feel these twitter accounts are great for teachers and #nyedchat.
Here are a few ways we use a #FF tweet:
1. Thank our supporters and sponsors:

  • #FF @MaldenAquatics Awesome resource for #NY #parents #camps! #Summer safety and #Swim Instruction

2. Share our Connected Educator of the Week: (We have included a bitly link to the blog.) As we added accounts we will do include them in our #FFs.

3. Share New York Educators of the Day:
Below are are few examples of “group” #FF tweets, listing several accounts in one tweet:

We also can share individual tweets that are specific to each account: