“Teachers are great tutors!” Teachers keep 100% of the profits! If you are a teacher we would love to list you in our national directory! It is easy to register.
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@MyTownTutorsNY launched it’s twitter account on April 1, 2104. The #1 goal is to be a great resource for teachers who tutor and parents who are looking for tutors.
To help us reach our goal, we are attempting to reach 1,000 twitter followers in 100 days. We are following the Social Media Tips for Success to help us attract at least 10 followers per day.
We currently are a little behind, but our New York director is taking summer classes, so we will work our hardest to reach our goal. We are currently averaging 9.8 followers per day!
Read about our progress so far:
100 Followers (1 Day): April 1st, 2014 Attract 100+ followers on the 1st day.
150 Followers (10 days): April 10th, 2014 Attract 150+ followers in 10 days.
200 Followers (20 days): April 20th, 2014

350 Foll0wers (30 days): April 30th, 2014
400 Followers (37 days): May 7th, 2014
834 Followers (85 days) June 24, 2014
908 Followers (95 days) July 4, 2014
1,007 Followers 100th day July 9, 2014
We are so happy that we have reached 1,000 followers in 100 days, now the task to get the next 1,000 followers. We will continue to follow the Top Social Media Tips to help us spread our message that “Teachers are great tutors!”
We also are hoping to have a Boston and New York case study that applies our principles.