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PsychInquiry is a great psychology website for high school teachers. It is a website that compliments the 5th edition Psychology textbook authored by Peter Gray. The organization of the website is quite simple. There are 17 chapters. Each chapter has a list of activities and quizzes.
High school teachers can incorporate some of the activities into a unit. The quiz questions also can be selected for their own assessments.
For the following activity, I have created questions for the students to answer. The directions and questions are shared in At the end of the period, I view each student’s The assessment is more of an effort grade than anything. The material also will be on a test.
The activities are well organized and interesting. The students seem to enjoy them, so there are very few problems with student focus.
Below is the information I shared with my students in a google.doc.
Today you are going to complete some on-line activities. Create a google.doc to answer the questions. (Once you open the document, go to file and select make a copy. This will allow you to edit the new document that you now own.)
This material will be on the test, so be sure to TAKE YOUR TIME and read carefully.
Demonstrate the Tip-of-the-Tongue Experience (15 minutes)
Slide #1 – Read the information!
1. What is a common cause of forgetting?
2. Define “Tip of the Tongue Experience” (TOT)
3. Define interference as defined by researchers.
Slide #2 – Memory of National Capitals – Part One OH NO!!!!!! World Geography! Do the best you can. Let’s see if we have any masters of world capitals. (Perhaps a hall of fame opportunity????)
Slide #3 – Memory of National Capitals – Part Two List how many correct capitals you have listed out of 20. (Hall of Fame Opportunity) Show Mr. Molloy once you have completed it.
Slide #4 Memory of National Capitals – Part Three List how many correct capitals you have listed out of 20. (Hall of Fame Opportunity)