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FREE Psychology Lessons

Top Psychology JokesPsychology Jokes

This is a great activity to illustrate learning and feedback. It was taken from a great book Activities for Teaching Psychology Volume I. It is activity #28.

  1. Handout the worksheet and have the class count off by threes. (See below.)
  2. Designate 3 different areas on a whiteboard for each group. Utilize all the whiteboards that are available.
  3. Give each group a measuring stick. The ones for my class are 39 inches.
  4. Each group will have one blind fold.
  5. Each individual in the group will draw 7 lines.
  6. As one student draws a line, another student will measure the line and record the measurement on the board. Be sure to list the student initials! ALL MEASUREMENTS are rounded to the nearest half inch.
  7. Each group will receive different feedback (It might be best to demonstrate one line for each group before beginning the activity):
    1. Group #1 receives no feedback. Each student will draw 7 lines.
    2. Group #2 receives the feedback “too long, too short, or perfect 39 inches” AFTER EACH LINE!
    3. Group #3 – receives exact feedback in inches to the nearest half inch. AFTER EACH LINE!
  8. ALL students should record the scores of each member in the group.
  9. Once all the scores are recorded, find the average of each individual. Once all the individual averages are recorded, find the average of the each group.
  10. Analyze the results – The group with the most feedback should have the lowest margin of error. Whatever the results are discuss and analyze.
  11. Select the members for the Hall of Fame. Within each group, list the three scores with the lowest margin of error average. There should be a hall of fame for each group. Even the group with no feedback.
  12. List the notes.

Students are given a a 2-sided handout to record the scores and list the 3 factors that affect learning. Students seem to really enjoy this activity. To increase motivation, I have created a “Hall Of Fame” for the lowest average scores.
Notes to be filled in by the students:
1. Feedback – Finding out the results of an action or performance
2. Transfer – the effects of past learning
A. Positive Transfer –  previous learning HELPS new learning. (reed instruments, lacrosse and basketball, dirt bike and motorcycle)
B. Positive Transfer – previous learning HURTS new. (Rugby and football, driving on left side vs. driving on the right side)
3. Practice –  the correct repetition of a task.
You can use the information below to create your own handout for your students. I list 7 columns on my worksheet. Adjust to fit your class size.
Activity #28, Knowledge and Feedback (Volune #1, page 66)
For this activity, the class will be divided into 3 even groups. Each group has the same task – draw a line 39 inches long. What is so hard about this? Each student will be blindfolded. Record the initials of the members of your group and recrode SEVEN scores. For each score, you will record the margin of error. For example 42 inches would be: +3 and 28 would be: -11. The plus and minus marks are really just additional information. Once the 7 lines are drawn, add up the numbers (disreard the + and -), and divide the total by 7. Hopefully with each additional line, subjects will improve their scores. The results will tell!  (Hall of Fame Opportunity for the lowest margin of error average)
Group #1 FEEDBACK –
Line #1  

Line #2 

Line #3 

Line #4 

Line #5 

Line #6 

Line #7 

Group #2 FEEDBACK –
Line #1 

Line #2 

Line #3 

Line #4 

Line #5 

Line #6 

Line #7 



Group #3 FEEDBACK –
Line #1 

Line #2 

Line #3 

Line #4 

Line #5 

Line #6 

Line #7 


Three factors that affect learning
