My Town Tutors is the nation’s 1st National Directory of teachers who tutor. Our goal in 2014 is to expand our network of local teachers who tutor! We are registering new teachers every week!
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All parents, students and business professionals- a new web based video series is revolutionizing the way that we retain what we are learning. It’s called the One Minute Educator.
The One Minute Educator was developed by experienced teacher, tutor, camp consultant and author Marc Hoberman. Marc’s philosophy is that the 3 Types of Learning, visual, auditory, and reading, can be fused together to create a simple, innovative learning experience that works for everyone. His videos cover topics ranging from bullying and motivational study techniques to reading comprehension tips, essay writing skills, grammar hints, and test anxiety strategies. The series came into fruition when years of “quick hit” teaching methods proved effective in the classroom through evident retention and recall from students. Using simple tactics such as quick drills and acronyms, Marc’s One Minute Educator series assures easy absorption and retention of the skills that will make you and/or your child successful in school and beyond!
Education is an ever-evolving field. Marc’s new web series is progressing how we should learn. It can be fast, easy, and even fun for everyone. The most common problem with learning these days is retaining information and keeping focus for entire lessons. The One Minute Educator Video Series and flash learning concept is THE solution.
For more information on Marc’s tutoring company or the One Minute Educator video series, please visit any of the following sites:

Marc Hoberman / Director
Grade Success,Inc.