My Town Tutors is a website that connects parents with teachers who tutor. If you are a teacher who tutors, please, consider registering with us. Teachers set the hourly rate and keep 100% of the fees! One of our teachers made $5,000 last year tutoring.
It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area. Please help us find ONE MORE teacher who tutors!
@MyTownTutorsNE is trying an experiment to expand our PLN. We did something incredibly drastic – EXTREME TWITTER TIP: We Unfollowerd Everyone!
We are slowly going to build up our “Following” by adding one more valuable account each day. As time will allow, we will write a blog about our choices. Some time we may only list the account and leave it up to others to figure out why we made our selection.
This should be fun. Each week we will announce the new accounts we will follow.
Twitter Account of the Day:
@NEAMedia – “Media team for the National Education Association, sharing #education and NEA news. Tweets do not equal endorsement. Washington, DC ·”
Here is our previous choices:
#1: @massteacher – “Massachusetts Teachers Association. Boston, Mass. ·” 33 Reasons @MassTeacher is a #1st52 Account
#2 @ceanews – “CEA is the largest advocate for public education in Connecticut. Our 43,000 members include K-12 public school teachers, retired teachers & college students. Hartford, CT ·”
We will be following one account a day until we reach 365. Please follow these great accounts and check for updates on our 1st 52 page.