It can be very useful to incorporate units that engage students with interactive lessons using the internet. These activities often take a great deal of preparation and a teacher may encounter a few bumps along the way, but the results are well worth the investment of time.
The following activity is designed for a 9th grade US History I class, but I am sure it could be used with other grades.
If you are comfortable using, this is a great way to share the activity. The students can click on the links and will be guaranteed to connect to the appropriate site. (WHEN SHARING A DOCUMENT, BE SURE TO CLICK THE “CAN VIEW” OPTION, NOT THE “CAN EDIT.” Your work could be deleted if a student accidentally hits the wrong button!)
Here is the lesson / Google.doc that I share with the students. I hope you find it useful.

DIRECTIONS: Make a copy of this document on your google drive so you can answer the questions. Save as “Your name” Civil War.

Record your answers in your document. After finishing this activity, continue with the next assignment. Keep all your answers in ONE DOCUMENT! The teacher will grade your computer screen at the end of class. DO NOT SHARE your document at this time!

Who am I? A History Mystery


1. Read the clues – CLICK ON EACH ITEM AT THE BOTTOM, read the all the information. Evaluate the evidence and select the 2 items that are connected with each person.

2. Drag the items to the evidence box to see if you are correct.

3. In your google.doc, list the person, position, and the 2 pieces of evidence with an explanation of each item. Cut and paste the information from this document (like a word bank). After listing the items, list the name and position of the person.

Choose from the following information (you can cut and paste for your answers)

People: Stand Waite, Louis Douglass, Dorethea Dix, Willie Johnston, Belle Boyd, John Simpson

Positions: US Colored Troops of America, Union Drummer Boy, Crocker Union POW, Confederate Spy, Cherokee Confederate General, Union Nurse

Evidence: Dress: Fancy attire, Small gun: kept hidden during secret missions, envelopes – to help wounded write letters, Medical Kit, Picture: Picture of African-American Unit, Flag: Proud member of the Massachusetts 54th regiment, Hat: I was in the Union Infantry, Drum: I was under 18. Most of us played music, Hat: I was in the Union Infantry, Plate and utensils: Given to prisoners of war, Hunting Knife: useful weapon of choice, Confederate Flag: Loyal to the Confederacy

Person #1:






Person #2:






Person #3:






Person #4:






Person #5:






Person #6:



The order of the people should be different for each student due to the set up of the website. Below are the answers.
Dorethea Dix, Union Nurse

Evidence: envelopes – to help wounded write letters and Medical Kit

Louis Douglass, US Colored Troops of America

Evidence: Picture: Picture of African-American Unit and Flag: Proud member of the Massachusetts 54th regiment

Willie Johnston, Union Drummer Boy

Evidence: Hat: I was in the Union Infantry and Drum: I was under 18. Most of us played music

John Simpson Crocker, Union POW

Evidence: Hat: I was in the Union Infantry and Plate and utensils: Given to prisoners of war.

Belle Boyd, Confederate Spy

Evidence: Dress: Fancy attire and Small gun: kept hidden during secret missions

Stand Waite, Cherokee Confederate General
Evidence: Hunting Knife: useful weapon of choice & Confederate Flag: Loyal to the Confederacy
Additional Resources from the Smithsonian’s History Explorer:

First Person Account: Eugenia Phillips

Grade Range: 4-12
Resource Type(s): Interactives & Media, Primary Source
Duration: 2 Minutes
Date Posted: 6/15/2010

Eugenia Phillips, a Southern spy, tells of her encounter with Union troops trying to incriminate her.
This video is part of the Price of Freedom learning resources package for use with the Women’s Role in the Civil War lesson plan. It was produced to accompany the exhibition The Price of Freedom: Americans at War, by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.

First Person Account: Louis Myers

Grade Range: 5-12
Resource Type(s): Interactives & Media, Primary Source
Duration: 2 Minutes
Date Posted: 6/15/2010

Louis Myers, a Union Soldier from West Virginia, describes changes in his perspectives about War.
This video is part of the Price of Freedom learning resources package for use with the Comparing Confederate and Union Soldiers lesson plan. It was produced to accompany the exhibition The Price of Freedom: Americans at War, by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.

First Person Account: Spotswood Rice

Grade Range: 5-12
Resource Type(s): Interactives & Media, Primary Source
Duration: 2 Minutes
Date Posted: 6/15/2010

Spotswood Rice, an African American Union soldier, threatens the Southern woman who holds his daughter as a slave.
This video is part of the Price of Freedom learning resources package for use with the Comparing Confederate and Union Troops lesson plan. It was produced to accompany the exhibition The Price of Freedom: Americans at War, by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.

First Person Account: William Christie

Grade Range: 2-12
Resource Type(s): Interactives & Media, Primary Source
Duration: 2 Minutes
Date Posted: 6/15/2010

William G. Christie, a Union Soldier from Minnesota, relates his disgust over prejudice against black soldiers in his unit.
This video is part of the Price of Freedom learning resources package for use with the Comparing Confederate and Union Soldiers lesson plan. It was produced to accompany the exhibition The Price of Freedom: Americans at War, by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.