If you are a teacher who tutors, register with us for just $12 for a year. This is the only fee! Teachers keep 100% of the money. One of our teachers made $5,000 last year tutoring.
Parents, “teachers are great tutors!” Find one in your area today!
Throughout the school year there are some common and not so common days to celebrate in your classroom with your students. This page is a work in progress.
Our goal is to list and provide resources for special days that teachers can celebrate in the classroom. If you know of any days we are missing, please comment below and we will be sure to add the day. We also welcome guest blogs about days and lessons.
We will list the special days by month. Some days like the 100th day of school will be celebrated on different days depending on the start of the school year. These days are for the year 2013.
We hope you enjoy!
409 Great Jokes for Families and Teachers
Different Dates: 100th Day of School
Last years date may still be listed until we have the time to update. Sorry for any inconveniences.
January 20, 2013: Martin Luther King Day

Presidents’ Day – 2 great ideas – The Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents, Duck for President is a Great Children’s Book

March 6th: World Read Aloud Day: Ready. Set. Read Aloud! World Read Aloud Day!
World Read Aloud Day: 3 Great Blogs
March 14, 2013: Pi Day

March 17th: St. Patrick’s Day

March 31: Easter 70 Easter Jokes for Families and Teachers!
Autism Awareness Month
National Poetry Month
April 2 – World Autism Day

April 15, 2013: Patriot’s Day – Battle of Lexington and Concord.

April 18, 2013: Poem in Your Pocket Day
April 19, 2013: National Day of Silence
April 22, 2013: Earth Day

April 23, 2013: World Book Night
April 30, 2013: Deadline for Poetry Contest Grades 3 – 12
May 1st, 2013 – May Day
May 4th – May the 4th Be With You

May 5th, 2013 – National Space Day
May 5th – Cinco De Mayo
May 7th: National Teacher Day
May 11th: Mother’s Day:

May 27th: Memorial Day


June 5th: World Environment Day
June 14th: Flag Day

June 16th: Father’s Day

June 18th: Nelson Mandela Day

June 21st: Summer Solstice
June 22nd: Great American Backyard Campout


July 4th:

Summer Learning Activities
Kindergarten Summer Math Journal: 35 Great Summer Activities
How to Fit Early Learning Into Summer
Write On! Great Summer Learning Ideas for Moms & Dads
#1 Summer School Movie of All-Time: Dolphin Tale
Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge is Super
YMCA’s Top 5 Family Tips to Battle the Summer Slide
Summer Reading List for Kids of Fun Books with Science and Math Concepts (via @PragmaticMom)
Summer Tutoring: Beneficial or Harmful?

August 24, 2103: Dream Day
August 28th: MLK March on Washington
First Day of School:

High School Homeroom Ideas:

September 8: Grandparents Day

September 11th: 9/11

September 15: International Dot Day

September 17: Constitution Day

September 21: World Gratitude Day


Celebrate UN-declared World Space Week October 4 – 10 annually! Space science events in over 60 nations educate the public and inspire youth. #STEM Global · http://www.worldspaceweek.org/
October 5, 2013: World Teacher Day

October 20th – 26th, 2013: National Chemistry Week
October 23, 2013: What is Mole Day?
October 24, 2013: Food Day Food Day is a Great Resource for Educators
October 29, 2013: Teaching Tolerance: Mix it Up Day
October 31, 2013: 101 Halloween Jokes

November 11, 2013: Veteran’s Day: Veteran’s Day Quotes

Geography Awareness Week: November 17th – 23rd 2013

American Education Week: November 18-22, 2013
November 22 (1963): JFK’s Assassination

Thanksgiving November 28, 2013:

November 29, 2013: National Day of Listening by StoryCorps.

December 7th Pearl Harbor

December 25th: Christmas

January 18, 2014: Winnie the Pooh Day to celebrate the Birthday of author A.A. Milne
Top 25 A.A. Great Quotes
Celebrating learning is great any day, but the 100th day of the school year is a great event to embrace. With the internet there are so many great resources to help a teacher plan for this wonderful day.
Here is a great activity from a 1st grade teaching team to celebrate the 1ooth day of the school year.
We also have found some great links for many different grade levels to help teachers plan to make the 100th day of school one to enjoy and remember. Hopefully you find them useful!
Images of 100 Day Celebrations
MathWire: 100 Ways to Represent the Number 100
100th Day of School
We celebrate our 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 6, (unless we have a snow day). We will be celebrating this day with many activities involving concepts if zero, tens and of course 100.
Each child should do one or both of the following:

  • Each child should bring in a collection of 100 things. (I will have 100 pennies.)
  • Bring in something about 100 years old.

We hope you all have fun with these activities.
It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area. Please help us find ONE MORE teacher who tutors!