The Marshfield Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) will be holding a special presentation this week.
“The Social Thinking Curriculum presentation will be held on Wednesday, October 10th from 7:00-9:00pm at the Furnace Brook Middle School Library located at 500 Furnace Street.
The SEPAC invites educators and parents/guardians to a presentation focused on practical strategies for supporting children’s social development and understanding, by Katy Shamitz, Director of Skills for Living.
Social Thinking helps students learn to think beyond traditional rote social skills like eye contact and body language. Social Thinking emphasizes the importance of social growth including the ability to connect with peers and adults, and to understand the perspectives and intentions of others. Trained directly by Social Thinking founder Michelle Garcia Winner, the outcome of the presentation is for families and educators to gain strategies that can be used immediately at home and school.”
It should be a very educational night. Please share with other Marshfield parents and educators.
My Town Tutors is a website that connects South Shore parents with teachers who tutor. If you are a teacher who tutors, for a limited time, you can register for using promo code: usteachers. Teachers set the hourly and keep 100% of the fees! One of our teachers made $5,000 last year tutoring.
It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area.
I would like to register with your website as a tutor. I recently retired from 27 years as a Learning Disabilities Specialist in the Hingham Public Schools.