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College is a time when students can experience independence and expand their minds. College can also be extremely stressful, however, for numerous reasons. Studying, holding a job, completing assignments, maintaining a relationship, participating in extracurricular activities, and spending time with family and friends can become overwhelming. On top of all that, the pressure to achieve good grades can weigh heavy on students, which can affect their well-being. Read on to learn about the symptoms and causes of stress and how to cope with it during college. 

Symptoms of Stress

The three types of stress include acute, episodic, and chronic acute. Acute stress is triggered by occasional events such as a test while episodic stress often follows a pattern, such as meeting someone new. Chronic acute stress is when an individual is constantly overwhelmed, which can cause serious health problems. The symptoms of stress include headaches, fatigue, irritability, stomach pain, sadness, and more.

Causes of Stress

College students can feel overwhelmed and anxious about choosing a major and living away from home. Additionally, it can result from demanding classes, work-life balance, and finances. Some students might also be worried about the future in terms of finding a job and paying back loan debt. Overall, about 45% of college pupils experience more than average stress during their higher education. 

How to Manage Stress in College

Stress can disrupt students’ daily activities and affect their grades, relationships, and health. For these reasons, it’s essential to learn how to cope with it no matter if they’re studying for four-year or two-year degrees online or in person. 

Identifying where it may be coming from can help students manage it better. Moreover, there are numerous ways to lower stress. For instance, college pupils can focus on getting an adequate amount of sleep and rest. A good night’s sleep enables the body to repair and recharge. Sleep deprivation can contribute to lower academic performance and cognitive function.

Additionally, staying active can reduce overall stress. Getting the heart pumping helps produce endorphins, which act as a mood elevator. It also reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. What’s more, managing time effectively can also lower feelings of anxiety and stress. Implementing time management strategies, staying organized, and prioritizing important tasks can help keep students on track and enhance their academic performance.

For more ways on how to cope with stress in college, see the accompanying resource.